Which means…what?
I will tell you. According to sources, there are four types of “Influenza” virus i.e., A, B, C, & D
- Influenza A virus (IAV) is sourced from aquatic birds
- Influenza B & C virus (IBV- ICV) primarily infect humans
- Influenza D virus (IDV) is found in cattle and pigs
Now here are the important pieces to comprehend about these four.
We are eating things that are outside of our natural dietary laws. Doing so leaves us vulnerable to the various processing conditions, which include hormone, and steroid injections, colors, chemicals and dye’s that get ingested.
Some of these are Pork, non-grass feed beef (IDV), hormone injected chicken, duck (IAV), opossum, carp, catfish, rats, rabbit/hare and more.
We were all being tricked!
(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences)
In this article, Temperature regulates NF-κB dynamics and function through timing of A20 transcription | PNAS
Researchers correlated inflammation with changes in body temperature by focusing on a protein known as ‘Nuclear Kappa B”. Yet another protein called A20 is a MAJOR role player involved in the operation of these mechanisms within.
The above live link is only intended to show and prove the article exists and the study was conducted using very intricate methods. If you don’t have some extensive understanding, and education in various course work, that article will be like a foreign language. So I will simply break down the important pieces to relate to this article.
We have a circadian rhythm (biological clock) that is highly important in the “timing” of all the mechanisms of our body.
We speculate that the association of sleep pattern/circadian rhythms with NF-κB disruption (26), chronic inflammation (27), and cancer prognosis (28) could be due, in part, to altered sleep−wake temperature cycles (e.g., caused by shift work).
The above is simply stating that when the Nuclear Kappa B protein is disrupted inflammation and cellular damage may occur within the body, due to a change in sleep-wake temperature cycles. Which can be brought on by something as seemingly minor as working in the night appopriately called “grave” yard shift for example.
- Injections called vaccines are loaded with toxins that deplete copper from the body, specifically targeting THE LIVER where the greatest percentage (~10%) of the body’s copper is stored.
- Bone and connective tissue
- Immune system
- Cardiovascular and heart
- Brain
- Liver
- Blood vessels
- pigmentation
- Collagen elastin and more.
Disrupted sleep, pharmaceutical statin drugs, poor nutrition/nutrient deficiencies, GM (Genetically Modified) foods, and lack of exercise, dehydration all leave the body vulnerable to a decrease in body temperature. This makes for the perfect breeding ground for dis-ease.
When a doctor says you have a genetic disposition for cancer, diabetes, or the many others. You should stay away because here’s the truth
“You don’t inherit disease; you inherit bad habits that become dis-ease”.
~Bryce Brandon
When your body has been invaded, nutrient deficiencies along with imbalances of the MANY and various nutrients i.e., Vitamins, minerals, amino acids, healthy fats, oxygen, along with certain levels of carbon and hydrogen sourced correctly. Your natural temperature is disrupted and begins to run COLD, All of these categories support the affective communication and balanced health of the body.
So, did you “catch” a cold due to cold weather, or is the weather (climate) of your body actually running COLDER than it should be, which is alerting you with symptoms indicating something else is wrong with your nutrient levels, which allowed something in? In either case now you know…
Why a Cold is called a Cold
“Sometimes to get through it, you have to go through it”.~Bryce Brandon~
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Sleep well, Eat well, Train well
Yours in good health