(ORIGINALLY WRITTEN ON 10.23.19 Updated 11.1.19 This current revised & published edition 8/20/20)
When I began teaching this to my one-on-one training clients, this is what I noticed.
During a session, my clients (whether morning, or evening) would yawn.
First they would apologize, because they didn’t want to offend me. Everyone always said they weren’t yawning because they were bored, so they would come up with varying reasons why they said they were yawning. I also noticed other clients, with other trainers yawning as well. The truth is they didn’t even know why they were yawning.
Have you ever been talking to someone and then notice they begin to struggle holding back a yawn because they don’t want it to appear as if they are bored with what you’re saying? Even they don’t know why they are beginning to yawn.
That was my opening. I always always told them I wasn’t offended. I then asked them “Did you know the reason you are yawning is because your brain needs oxygen?” This was something (once again) most people had never heard before.
But I took it further and said “the reason you’re yawning while you’re training is because you’re holding your breath, AND you’re not breathing PROPERLY.” Of course previous trainers had not ever mentioned this, so they were confused. I then said “the way you burn fat is through the respiration of oxygen, and if you’re holding your breath, or you’re breathing is out of order, you’re not getting enough oxygen to your body.”
For those trying to hold back a yawn during a conversation, it’s the same thing, people begin to hold their breath when listening to someone speak and they don’t even realize they are. Due to the lack of consistent oxygen, the pre programmed body steps in a takes a deep inhale to make up for the lack of oxygen while the breath was being held. In addition, the reason why yawning is associated with being sleepy is because as we get relaxed our bodily functions slow down, hence our heart. So while we‘re still awake and yet relaxed our heart will pump slower thereby lower oxygen flow, then from time to time yawning will occur.

That was some fundamental understanding of oxygen. Now here’s how to put it into practical sense. Hope that didn’t bore you.

First what do I mean by NOT breathing properly, or in the correct order?
Example 1. When you see a rocket blast off, the rocket fuel begins to blow out of the bottom to lift it up. When there is no fuel blasting away, the rocket is motionless right?
So the correct order of breathing during physical exercise (for example) begins like this; before you curl a dumbbell (prior to lift off) you’re just holding it. First take a deep inhale, when it’s time to curl the dumbbell up (blasting off) into the contraction when the muscle is flexed, that’s when you breath out. Breathing in/inhaling, prepares the muscles AND body by bringing in oxygen, breathing out is getting rid of the carbon, at the same time preparing you again to take in oxygen for the next blast off, or muscle contraction. Get it?
The oxygen intake out-take process is what causes the body to essentially burn the body fat. Now there’s a complex biological process and understanding to this but I’m only giving you the relevant topic information and keeping you away from the nerd stuff on this part.
Example 2. Have you ever watched competition swimming, and see a swimmer sit in the pool at the edge, and take a series of non stop deep breaths before the competition starts? Whether you noticed it or not, do you wonder why they are doing it? It’s because they are Oxygenating their muscles. Their trainers and coaches are educated to know that during a swim, swimmers will be holding their breath only slightly less than they are breathing, so swimmers prepare by getting as much blood flow by way of oxygenated vessels and cells to optimize their muscle function while swimming.
These are the two exact examples I’ve used for years.
So, your body needs oxygen.
I remember when I was younger I would always hear pH balance mentioned during deodorant commercials. I knew it was related to body chemistry but I (like most of us) didn’t know really what that meant. Now here’s one fact about those commercials, that was GIMMICK MARKETING. Deodorant and pH really shouldn’t even be in the same conversation.
pH in brief is the balance of hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions
More hydrogen ions, the environment is acidic (BAD)
More (oxygen containing) hydroxide ions, the environment is alkaline (GOOD)
So truthfully most deodorants bought in stores cause you to become more acidic.
So pH is simply a scale measuring the balance of the ions in an environment, such as the body.
(A Measurement of 7 is balanced or neutral) hmm I can’t imagine why. (being facetious)
When we are acidic we need single atom oxygen to combine with the excess hydrogen ions to move back to a more alkaline balance (LESS ACIDIC)
This leads us into hydrogen peroxide. But first…
What is hydrogen peroxide?
Hydrogen Peroxide (referred to from here on as HP for short) is WATER WITH AN EXTRA OXYGEN MOLECULE.
Water is H2o (TWO parts hydrogen ONE part oxygen)
HP is H2o2 (TWO parts hydrogen TWO parts oxygen)
There are different forms of HP.
- Pharmaceutical grade HP
- Food grade HP
Number 1. Shown in the picture below (pharmaceutical grade) is ok for minor cuts, insect bites, and maybe surface skin cleaning (but I wouldn’t even use it for that) This version is also UNNATURAL, and also contains PRESERVATIVES, and stabilizers e.g., PHENACETIN, ACETANILIDE, SODIUM STANNATE, AND MORE. In TRUTH these chemicals are added so that you DO NOT INJEST it, which prevents you from benefiting from the miracle like health benefits of NATURAL HP.

On the other hand,
Number 2. Shown in the picture below (food grade ) IS like a miracle, is NATURAL, and contains NOTHING other than hydrogen and EXTRA OXYGEN. The earth AND the atmosphere naturally makes hydrogen peroxide by way of the natural processes of plant photosynthesis, all without mans help.

For those who care to know in detail how NATURAL HP is, here’s how in two versions of comprehension called EXPERIENCED NERD and BASIC NERD.

Plants (a living organism) drink water (H2O) from soil (also a living organism). During the process of photosynthesis, they remove the hydrogen atoms from the water (H2O) this is called de-hydrogenation and then combine the hydrogen with carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air to make carbo-hydrates/hydro-carbons aka a chemical compound we call sugar.
In other words plants “breathe” out oxygen that they de-hydrogenated. This oxygen is lighter than the air at ground level, it therefore rises higher up into the atmosphere or OZONE LAYER AKA THE FIRMAMENT, at extreme elevations (6-22 miles up) this relatively stable form of oxygen (O2, TWO PARTS OXYGEN WITHOUT THE HYDROGEN) is HIT with HIGH ENERGY PARTICLES OF ULTRAVIOLET SUN LIGHT. Or even more plainly, an invisible electromagnetic spectrum or frequency of sun light that you can’t see with the naked eye.
The radiation (the ultraviolet light) dissects the O2 (two oxygen atoms) in half so they individually become oxygen atoms that are O1 (ONE oxygen atom). The O1 atoms immediately attach to the nearest molecule. Many of the O1 oxygen atoms attach to molecules of O2 (TWO oxygen atoms) that have risen up from the de-hydrogenated process of plants we spoke of, before they have been dissected, and in turn form OZONE or O3 (THREE atoms of oxygen that are combined) this is why it’s called (again) the OZONE LAYER.
SIDE NOTE: There is MORE THAN ONE LAYER of our upper atmosphere.
Contrary to popular media propaganda, the “ozone layer” does not protect us from the sun’s radiation. The ozone layer is a result of being protecting.
This means, the TWO part oxygen atoms known as O2 (before it is split- oxygen without hydrogen) is what actually protects us from sun radiation. But the layer becomes ozone (three atoms of oxygen) before some of the O2 has been split and then paired with others that have been split and are single then making the O3 (ozone). So again the O2 that was split by radiation is what did the protecting and the ozone layer is the result of that protection.

BASIC NERD VERSION 2. Plants drink water, then take the hydrogen out. Plants breath out oxygen with no hydrogen in it. That oxygen is weighs less without hydrogen and goes VERY high up in the sky. That lighter oxygen without hydrogen protects living organisms down on the surface such as mankind and animals from the suns intense radiation.
Some of the lighter oxygen gets hit with sun light and breaks up, while some other oxygen remain together before sun light breaks them up.
The ones that break up, each rush to find a pair that has NOT broken up. Then it becomes three parts of oxygen stuck together. Those three, form a group called ozone, which then forms a layered area VERY high in the sky where that VERY RICH OXYGEN group hangs out. The OZONE layer. (End nerd versions)
From here we continue with both versions now comprehended.
SIDE NOTE: Water has three forms, i.e., Water (liquid), Vapor (gas), and solid (ice)
THREE parts of oxygen (the ozone crew) stuck together are heavy, so they begin to fall down to the surface.
As they fall, they come in contact with water in the form of vapor on it’s way up (trying to reach the top). The ozone crew is rich enough in quality oxygen so it gives away one part of the ozone crew to the lighter paired up vapor on it’s way up. Immediately the vapor makes a new crew called Hydrogen Peroxide, which is now liquid, but also now VERY rich in oxygen because it has a new crew with TWO parts of hydrogen mixed with TWO parts of oxygen. A.K.A. (Also Known As) H2O2
This oxygenated water (hydrogen peroxide) falls to earth as rain and snow. It’s a natural disinfectant in lakes, rivers and oceans. If it were not for the hydrogen peroxide in rainwater, the earth’s surface would be putrid from bacterial overgrowth.
This is why we see such a higher quality of NATURAL and drinkable water directly from certain mountainous areas in certain areas of the earth. Also why we see vegetation grow more abundantly with vibrant rich colors in areas where there are natural, fast flowing streams, and rivers with clean, fresh spring water, and glacial melt. Areas such as these have higher amounts of hydrogen peroxide that are NOT tampered with by near by factories, with chemical pollution.

There are MANY benefits of HP relevant to the physical body. Every living organism needs oxygen, however with EXTRA oxygen you afford whatever receives that oxygen, an optimized, detoxified, sanitized, and healthy disease free environment.
Special Reminder: Never use pharmaceutical grade hydrogen peroxide purchased from a drug store or grocery Internally, due to the fact that they all contain toxic preservatives, stabilizers and heavy metals.
Hydrogen peroxide is effective in very small amounts.
Please realize that 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide is actually quite concentrated compared to the amounts that are found naturally in food and rain and spring water. It can be diluted by a factor of 1,000 and still be strong enough to disinfect your swimming pool or hot tub!
Here are some of the MANY benefits of HP WITH WIDE RANGE OF POSSIBILITIES.
Use 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide unless otherwise stated.
- Drinking (diluted in distilled water only) slowly saturating the body fluids and cells with it kills disease causing microbes
- Mouthwash (also makes teeth whiter)
- As a bath soak (diluted) HP can oxidize and help to loosen and remove the built up deposits that block skin pores, which enables them to better perform their excretory functions.
- foot soak
- deodorant (simply soak a cotton ball in 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide and wipe your underarms on a regular basis to control odor by killing the bacteria that cause it.
- to name a few
FOR IMMUNE SUPPORT: HP stimulates the production of (W)hite (B)lood (C)ells. WBC’s, are the body’s defense force.
- cold sores (herpes)
- migraines
- ear infections
- strep throat
- tumors
- toothache
- cysts
- canker sores
- ringworm
- bad breath
- cancers
- jock itch
- snake bites
- bee stings
- acne
- skin rashes
- warts
- skin fungus’s
- Clearing up sinuses
- Warts
- Melanoma
- Coral
- Heart disease
- Snoring
- Throat cancer
- Asthma/emphysema
- Viruses
- Sluggishness
- Jock itch
- Tonsils
- Folliculitus (inflammation of hair follicles)
- Acne
Other Suggestions:
For drinking
Use 4 oz’s of 3% food grade HP in one gallon of distilled water ONLY.
(due to after taste, it can be flavored with pure lime, orange, lemon, and peppermint extracts, But to me it just take like really clean water).
For Bathing:
Scrub your bathtub well with a cleaner that is nontoxic. Rinse your bathtub to remove absolutely all residue of the cleaner that you just used. Be very thorough. Fill your bathtub with warm water. Add NOTHING to the water except for 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide. Add one quart of 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide to the tub after it is filled with water. Jump in and soak for as long as you wish. You might want to put a shower cap on your head because it may lighten your hair a very, very, very little bit. (It’s nowhere near as strong as a hair stylist’s peroxide bleach product). Use a skin brush, loofa or other material to help exfoliate your dead skin. If you feel any irritation, simply get out of the bath, towel off and be done with your first bath. If you put one quart of 3% hydrogen peroxide into a bathtub that holds 30 gallons of water, the result is a tub filled with 0.025% hydrogen peroxide, which is one half of the concentration that is Generally Recognized As Safe to drink! This is very, very, very mild.
So ask yourself why wouldn’t health authorities offer suggestions to the masses, on something like HP that is NATURAL AND PROVEN?
It should be an easy answer, if it’s not easy, I’ll help you out with that.
The medical society we see today is a BUSINESS with shareholders who are in it for PROFIT, not cures.
If you don’t believe this, or want to believe it, this information IS NOT FOR YOU.
YOU MUST LEARN MORE THAN YOU ARE TOLD. Being TOLD something, isn’t learning anything.
Learning something is a process that will lead you all the way to facts, and facts are something that can be proven.
So you must LEARN who controls, the medical society as it is today, and how it became what it is. It will lead you to some FACTS about the medical world that PROVE that’s it’s NOT your advocate.
The FDA does not want you to know this information, so they use scare tactics and warnings and trickery wording in articles.
FDA does not have the authority to approve or disapprove the use of HP, it’s the EPA that has that authority. So don’t be fooled!
The EPA has approved hydrogen peroxide for use as an antimicrobial treatment in agricultural premises, food establishments, medical facilities, home bathrooms, dairy processing plants, food processing equipment, breweries, wineries and beverage plants. In addition, hydrogen peroxide (along with an oxidized form of vinegar) is one of the materials approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for use in anthrax decontamination efforts to reduce spore populations.
This is all public information.
FDA has no power here, because HP is not a drug Hydrogen peroxide is a NUTRIENT that is necessary to healthy functioning of the human body. You are grossly deficient in this important NUTRIENT. Technically, hydrogen peroxide is not a vitamin, because the human body can actually manufacture it from within but, since it is made by the body, it is classified as a food or food supplement, not a drug.
HP has been clinically tested, and practiced with well over 80,000 published, peer reviewed studies dating backward MANY years. See for yourself below
(enter ‘hydrogen peroxide’ as a search)
During exercise our energy starts from the cell, through the process of breathing. Respiration produces more energy, when respiration efficiency decreases, fermentation occurs producing muscle soreness & fatigue (lactic acid). Fermentation produces less energy. The lactic acid can be sent to the liver and converted to glycogen (some refer to as a sugar) to be reused. Furthermore lactic acid is protecting the cell from too much acid (acidosis). Your cell makes you stop before the internal cell is damaged.
Soaking in HP can help reduce that lactic acid (soreness) by adding Oxygen absorbed through the skin cells.
Exercise with no oxygen is not a good chemistry set.
Due to the extent of this topic stay tuned for the continuation of this post.
If you have any direct questions or comments, feel free to email me direct at contact@exerciseassociation.com
more posting soon…
Sleep well, eat well, train well
Yours in good health
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You know a whole lot its almost hard to argue with you (not that I actually would want to…HaHa).
You definitely put a new spin on a subject that’s been written about for many years.
Great stuff, just great!
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