Have you ever thought about someone (seemingly randomly) then shortly afterward the person calls you? That’s called the speed of thought, or a brainwave.
Just like magnetism that you don’t see, It’s a FREQUENCY sent from your thoughts directly to another person, and they don’t even perceive it.
AS SOON AS YOU THINK SOMETHING, IT’S ALREADY THERE, at its destination that fast.
Many of you have heard of echolocation, sonar, radar, etc. Those are frequencies, for audible and/or visual purposes.
Right now we’ll highlight a few animals that use this natural technology.
For example Whales, Dolphins, Bats, and some species of birds.

These animals communicate or transmit signals over distances using these frequencies. They are able to locate their own species, for communication, or for reaching a specific gender of their own kind for procreation, to recognize a threat or enemy, even locate prey for food. They were created that way.
However, other species that are NOT tuned into hearing at these frequencies won’t hear a thing, nor even notice a frequency is in transmission. In this case, some of these other species become the victims if they are seen as prey.
The point is, with mankind we operate in the same way. Me for instance, I’m a health professional, and there are MANY of us. But we are NOT the same. There is a significant minority of us as health professionals who will send out a frequency of information to help us find our kind, as in those who can hear and will listen to health TRUTH, and help our kind find us.
Yet unfortunately, many others are simply NOT TUNED IN to our frequency, they don’t hear us. It’s like we’re not saying anything that even registers in their comprehension, or to them, we’re not saying anything at all. Again, THEY JUST CAN’T HEAR US.

They only hear what they have been conditioned and tuned into hearing and receiving, which in this case I’ll call it the FREQUENCY OF LIES. As in, the often or consistency of lies, AND the audible sound of the lie, along with the conditioning through the continuance of it. Unfortunately, they (those who don’t hear in the correct frequency) become prey.
Let me clarify, A LOT of health professionals ARE LYING, they are NOT telling the truth when it comes to YOUR health, In other words; THEY LIE FREQUENTLY, thereby that’s the FREQUENCY they resonate in, that the trusting patient only hears and is conditioned and tuned into believing.
There is a completely separate class of mankind that operates AS IF they are a totally different species than all others. They are calculated, evil, wicked, and prey on virtually everything that comes in their path. You just don’t notice it, because they are masters of deception, and they appear benevolent.
Look at it this way; All animals are animals, right? Some species just want to eat their fruit, and vegetation to live. Other animals, in order TO live, want to eat YOU.
Same class (animal), different species, different agenda.
There’s a reason…now really think about what I’m about to say right now. There is a reason SO many people don’t want to talk about the situation that we as mankind all are contending with presently. That being how we (as a whole) have been brainwashed into believing the world is in the middle of a viral pandemic.
When people don’t have enough information to feel empowered to logically or intelligently discuss a topic, it is easily dismissed and put out of mind, because of the lack of information to consider it valid for discussion. But let’s be forward, there are millions who KNOW this is all the biggest deception and WORLDS LARGEST MASS HYPNOSIS ever performed on your mind.
So many people aren’t given enough information, correct information, or in some cases ANY information, to make informed decisions that may affect them. So this type of person would rather bury their head in the sand, and call anyone else who is NOT educated on the TELEVISION campus of SNU (SCRIPTED NEWS UNIVERSITY) a conspiracy theorist, and WAIT to be told what to do next. I would even say there are many PhD caliber students of THAT university; I’m being facetious.
My hopes are that by the conclusion of this article, you will be dialed in to the frequency that I (and many others) are transmitting in.

The virus, vaccine, and cancer -vs- health, medical, and technology
You’re going to have to really tune in, and listen to EVERY connecting piece of this puzzle. By the end, I hope you are empowered to make better decisions surrounding your health.
I’ve said this before, however, I can’t help but state again in all humility, this is going to be one of the most PROFOUND, INFORMATIVE, SOBERING articles of mine that you’ve read.
My working relationship with technology began in my early twenties.
I spent 17 years of my life in the telecommunications industry, hardline i.e., wired AND wireless. The past 18 years in the health & fitness industry. One industry was coming to a close for me as a career path, as the other (HEALTH) was taking hold.
The lines between health, medical, and technology have become blurry to almost nonexistent. These three are all different.

Never mistake health and medical for being one and the same, these two are VERY different categories that get put together all too often. However, they ARE supposed to have a symbiotic relationship.
I never would have imagined there would be a connection between any of these three industries that are virtually inseparable at this current juncture in life.
At this time, I’d like to invite you aboard this vessel which is capable of diving extremely deep beyond where you could have ever thought to go.
We are going into OCEAN level depths of comprehension. We begin at the terrestrial or land-based level of comprehension.
Here are some words the whole world is familiar with:
- Telecommunications (all inclusive)
- Television
- Telephone
- Telegraph
- Telescope
- Telemarketing
- Telemetry
- Telepathy (extra sensory perception- ESP)
- Telekinesis (moving solid objects with only thought)
- Teleport (moving from one place to another without the need of conventional travel, by way of psychokinesis or telekinesis.
- (Just to name a few)
What’s the commonality amongst those, easy answer right? The prefix-TELE
I would be willing to bet, that the following question, not a single person would ever get correct NOT ONE (with the exception of those I’ve shared it with).
The question is, does ANYONE know what TELE means?
You can do any search on the internet, you can ask ANYONE you know who thinks they know, and I will win that bet.
Tele is not just a prefix to describe different words that have to do with the same subject or category as in telecommunications.
It is at THIS time that you will learn something no one ANYWHERE that you can find would be able to tell you the “correct” answer to, or would have even taught you; because we all know there are many definitions that every person would, and could come up with that would make some sense, But would all be wrong.
Here is the correct answer and the first step to solving this entire puzzle.
(Transmission of Electromagnetic Linear Energy)
This is VERY VERY important to know, and now YOU know it. Why is this so important you might ask? Because it uncovers the true mechanism of HOW most technology operates. Look at that, you’re already more knowledgeable than before you began reading.
If you want to be FAR MORE ENLIGHTENED, then you MUST read on.
The foundational piece of the puzzle has been laid. Let’s continue…
Using the words from above with Tele, it would go like this..
Transmit Electromagnetic Linear Energy to communicate- Telecommunications
Transmit Electromagnetic Linear Energy to communicate by –Telephone
Transmit Electromagnetic Linear Energy for – Telemarketing via Telephone, Television, etc.
Transmit Electromagnetic Linear Energy to transport something- Teleportation
Transmit Electromagnetic Linear Energy to – Move an object –Telekinesis
Transmit Electromagnetic Linear Energy to see distance objects-Telescope
WiFi and Bluetooth are the exact same, they are frequencies of Transmitted Electromagnetic Linear Energies enabling two different points of contact to communicate at a distance.
How do you think your vehicle’s doors open, engine starts, doors lock/unlock when you hit the button on your key fob in your hand? Yes, an INVISIBLE signal is being TRANSMITTED.
Have you EVER even pondered the technology behind how it actually works? What it’s made of?
The next reason why this is important to know, are the terms wifi and Bluetooth just mentioned and we’ll add the third as you see them below:
- WiFi
- Bluetooth
- 5G
Here’s a VERY loaded transitional statement:

Whoa! The cell phone is a vaccine? What?! How can that be? Read on.
That’s right, and now we break this down even further.
However, before that, we pause for this analogy:
When we exercise, we are actually breaking down our muscles. Small micro-tears are being created, it’s at night when we rest that we begin to rebuild by restoring, replenishing new tissue in the areas we broke down. (Short version)
Well, that’s what we’re doing here, I have to tear down all your logic, and current level of knowledge in order to build it back up stronger.
Our cell phones are constantly being tracked via wifi and Bluetooth, to most of us that’s not BREAKING NEWS.
The following may be. When you enter ANY public area such as a store, there are plenty of wifi and Bluetooth networks that pick up your cell. How, because you have wifi and Bluetooth “turned on”.

As mentioned above, two (or more) devices (points of contact) communicate by the Transmission of Electromagnetic Linear Energy in order to “identify” one another.
The network makes note of your cell phones (or other devices) unique hardware address which is unique to YOUR personal cell phone and no ones else’s, it’s called a MAC address.

Your phone naturally scans for wireless access points, it logs your hardware address, stores are then able to identify you, and what you buy.
They even implement facial recognition in their camera systems so they can pinpoint your unique cell phone with your face.

It can even check your expressions identifying you showing anger, disgust, fear, happy, sadness, etc.
In addition there are bluetooth beacons located in street light poles. So as you travel from place to place, walking, driving, etc. Your location is being tracked, and your data is being monitored even with locations services turned off.
Have you ever wondered why ONE OF the apps you can’t get rid of on your phone is the health app? That’s because it’s also tracking your steps, your hearth rhythms, your sleep and wake cycles, however YOU have been told it’s for YOU to track, it’s actually being stored in a different database. Moving on.
Political campaigns are also tracking you. This is all how you get custom ads, political ads, medical ads, apparel ads, etc. Not only that, but if your wifi or bluetooth is on, but only on standby, it will AUTOMATICALLY connect switching from standby to fully on. Why do you think that is?
Once it connects, wifi and bluetooth networks can once again see EVERYTHING you have connecting to the internet.
So if your browser is running, but it’s in the background, it can still see ALL the pages you are viewing. It can view everything and all your internet activity.
View the following short clip I found from the DARK KNIGHT back in 2008. This is meant to show you something I will highlight after you view it. I’ll further show you that Hollywood is showing you things under the guise of entertainment.
Now that you’ve seen the clip, do you wonder why it was used in a BATman movie? Hmm echolocation, sonar. BATman was only trying to ECHO-locate one person i.e., the JOKER. But the joke is on you/us. Now, What I want to uncover for you is this; most people have NEVER thought, if a movie called science fiction, or even action with sci fi elements in it, uses technology that seems SO far off in the future; how do you think they are depicting it? How can you depict something that doesn’t exist, by you using software TECHNOLOGY or CGI to make it seem like it exist for the purpose of the movie, unless the technology used to fake it ACTUALLY EXISTS.

You can NOT fake HIGH technology with LOW technology unless the current technology that exists is already at the stage to show what’s supposedly years away, get it? Just like the movie itself (in this instance) a movie is filmed sometimes two years before it’s released, by the time we hear about it, it seems brand new, yet the actors have moved on to film two, three or more other films by the time we saw the one they filmed two years prior. Technology works the same way, by the time we see it’s actually BEYOND ten years IN THE PAST. In truth, the technology being used at any given point is already realistically way MORE than 50 years OLD.
The following is a true short story: When I worked for a major TELEcom company in 1998 when internet was “new” I remember looking at Televisions that would be coming out called “flat panel” as in the ones we all have today. However the televisions were so “cutting edge” no one could imagine having a TV so thin, and they were being advertised for those who could afford that OUTRAGEOUS price which at the time the highest price I saw (TRUTHFULLY) WAS $50,000 USD for the same 60 inch that many have today and only paid at most $900 USD possibly less. Having said that…
Your TELEvision is another device used in the same way depicted in the BATman clip you saw above. It’s doing the exact same thing, for those who have cameras, and microphones built in them. I simply say cover them up, when NOT in use, unplug it all at night when sleep (I’ll tell you why later in this article). Here’s one that will “hit home” for a lot, how about SIRI, ALEXA, CORTANA, and many other VOICE ASSISTANTS designed to connect to your home and all it’s devices to make life “simpler” these are ALL TROJAN HORSES.
Turn off wifi and bluetooth on all your devices so that the network doesn’t pick up your hardware address, until you actually need it, only use cellular and keep locations services turned off until you need it.
Profiles are being built on everyone, so the best course of action is to go to settings and turn wifi and bluetooth OFF, not standby… OFF so you can NOT be picked up on bluetooth and wifi access points.
I know what some of you are thinking, “I don’t have anything to hide, so why is it so important’’ ? But of course you think that, because you were NEVER afforded enough information to know this is all being used for a nefarious purpose.
Why do you think it’s normal or ok to be spied on, listened to, watched, and targeted all without you even knowing it? That’s invasion, then you have to wonder “why is it so necessary to invade my personal privacy”?
Technology seems cool, who knows that more than me? Or someone like me who has been involved in it early on, watching it evolve time after time from the inside, to what it is today. Yes I know, we all have this life we been groomed into, in which now it’s seems difficult to even disconnect from. But I KNOW there are some who remember what it WAS like before technology casted its spell on 90% of the whole world.

What is 5G? Why is it being promoted so rigorously?
First off, it simply means the 5th generation of Digital Telecommunications technology.
5G is NOT exclusive to cell phones, computers and tablets, it’s EVERYTHING e.g., cameras, store registers, ATM’s, glasses, gaming consoles, wifi, bluetooth, your SMART watch, your vehicles (especially hybrid and electric vehicles), clocks, home appliances, airplanes, factor machinery, energy meters on your home, commercial and home security systems, and yes NOW EVEN MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY.
5G is intended to take over EVERYTHING, all tethered by an artificial intelligence.

Here is how it all progressed from a certain point.
It began as one and progressed in this basic short version of progression below:
- Analog
- Digital
- 3G
- 4G
- 5G

That was the basic history for base line comprehension of the progression.
Why is 5G nefarious?
Through out the various generations of cellular technologies, the “frequency” was anywhere from 700 MHz- 3.5 GHz each variation of these digital technologies had a different amount of spectrum that was capable of being sent through the network at a certain speed.
At the full implementation of 5G this takes it up to a cellular oxygen-smashing 60GHz that’s also why it keeps being touted as HIGH SPEED, THE FASTEST SPEEDS, on and on, because the amount of data that can be processed is MUCH faster than it was ever before, meaning the amount of spectrum that can be sent through the network is greater than the past. That’s the basics of it.
These speeds of these wavelengths are measured in that Hz (hertz) frequency.
(More on Hz below)
Cell phones are the precise mimic of our cell homes, i.e., our body.
That’s where the model originated, CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT?
By modeling how our biological cells are comprised , interdependent, and connected; the same was used to pattern cell phones interconnect-ability.
Before cell phones, cellular meant- consisting of cells. However in 1947 two Bell lab engineers proposed a network that would be composed of hexagonal cells to allow phones in cars to operate from one spot to the another seamlessly. The network layout would resemble that of a biological cell, hence the term “cellular”.
In the past, you could disrupt frequencies with water, so if you wanted to offset listening devices you would go near or in water. The frequencies weren’t at a level to penetrate. With 5G that frequency has been ramped up dramatically, and therefore at 60 GHz it can penetrate that barrier.
We are comprised of 70-75% water so what do you think happens when our bodies are exposed to this type of frequency? It completely messes up our natural biological frequency (which we’ll go into below) and causes cellular damage, respiratory issues, etc.
Short rewind: The beginning of this article began with, echo, sonar, and radar. Now we discuss:
Police use radar and it has been “proven” to emit radiation of 36 GHz that causes testicular cancer, and leukemia which is cancer of course.
Secondly there is technology that is being implemented in public places called body scanners.
These can scan your body and it is known as hexwave and is being marketed for schools, stadiums, malls, in both indoor and outdoor settings, etc.
It can identify concealed weapons of metallic and non metallic threat objects in realtime through clothes, backpacks, purses, etc. See for yourself below.
The system can also be integrated to fit discreetly behind walls, screen, behind signs, it uses 3D imaging, and learning algorithms.
It then adds you to an Artificial Intelligence program where everyone gets a label as normal or suspicious. Wow right?
This is suppose to be apart of a “NON INTRUSIVE” screening layered defense. This all seems (for some) to be a way to make us all feel more safe, but come on, do you really think that’s what it’s for?
This is ALSO a RADAR technology, and not good for health. Those who are more susceptible to radar have weaker immune systems such as immature red blood cells for those closer to radar than those further away.
Keep in mind, they want this put in ALL public places.
Article 12 of UN (united nations) human rights says…
No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honor and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.
So this “hexwave” and other technologies that invade our privacy are clearly a contradiction to Article 12. Let’s face it, the constitutions that have been in place in the many countries we live aren’t even upheld. They are nothing to even rely on any longer. It seem they are just words now, they are suppose to make us feel we have something to use as leverage in a legal fight for natural rights. But moving on.
Radar was our final stop on the surface level, before we descend into THESE WATERS. Wow! Can you believe ALL of that information was still on the surface? I bet you forgot you boarded a vessel and that information was preparation for diving into deep ranges of this OCEAN of comprehension.

Now that we have discussed these technologies, we are going to progressively plunge deeper and deeper to raise your informational knowledge higher.
We begin at the upper layer

Wifi, bluetooth, radar, cellular, echo, sonar; all frequencies right?
How do they relate to us physically and our health? Great question!
I’ll begin to answer that question with some history, and you will begin to see a picture begin to slowly form in your comprehension with the following clues to solving this puzzle.
As previously mentioned, more about Hz:
There are 22 international system units of measurement, which are derived from seven base units which are as follows:
- Second (time)
- Meter (length)
- Kilogram (mass)
- Ampere (electric current)
- Kelvin (thermodynamic temperature)
- Mole (amount of substance)
- Candela (luminous intensity)
Hertz is one of the international systems of measurement from the first base unit above which is “time” since Frequencies are measured in Hz (Hertz) at one cycle per second in the following multiple powers of ten
- Hertz (Hz)
- Kilohertz (KHz)
- Megahertz (MHz)
- Gigahertz (GHz)
- Terahertz (THz)
- Petahertz (PHz)
- Exahertz (EHz)
- Zettahertz (ZHz)
Hertz is credited to a German Physicist Heinrich Hertz, who proved conclusively the existence of electromagnetic waves.
REFRESHER- Transmission of Electromagnetic Linear Energy
VIBRATIONS, at certain speeds, produce different electric current frequencies, these frequencies at a certain resonance and various oscillations produce different electromagnetic wavelengths and patterns which in turn produce hue’s of light/color, sound, and radar
Special note: Polymers make up many of the materials in living organisms including proteins, cellulose, and nucleic acids, as in DeoxyriboNucleic Acid or DNA
An instrument made to identify material (including organic polymers) by infrared (invisible light) radiation called Infrared Spectro-Photometer was used to carry out the measurement of molecular vibrations of DNA.
That’s right, DNA also gives off a molecular vibration.
This was a discovery made by two biologists David Deemer and Susan Alexander, which lead to some further understanding surrounding our DNA.
Each section of DNA was measured using infrared light (light invisible to the naked eye) and the wavelength it absorbed was used to determine the sound frequency.
Light and sound can directly influence the healing of the body. Or even the harming of it.
A team of researchers at the University of Cincinnati came to the knowledge of this through a measurable success by applying high-frequency electrical signals to vascular cells. This produced a significant effect in healing severe and reoccurring wounds such as diabetic ulcers.
A man named Royal Rife created a frequency-healing machine to eradicate and provide a cure for various diseases, i.e., fungal, bacterial, parasite, and VIRAL infections without invasive pharmaceutical procedures.
Yet another neuroscientist explained how certain cells in our lower brain stem respond POSITIVELY to electrical impulses of 10MHz because they normally fire within that frequency range.
This was all noted to show a small example of the data that exists, showing the proven study and research done, showing we have vibrations, and resonances, at certain frequencies all throughout our biological operating system, i.e., our body.
We enter the…

Let’s connect a couple of SIGNIFICANT dots with another meaning. This one is highlighting (no pun intended) LASER Light. However, this acronym IS widely known, unlike the earlier mentioned TELE.
(Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation)
There are various colors of laser lights that we’ve all seen. This is yet another tie-in to how light resonates at a certain frequency. Lasers are used for multiple different purposes.
I’m going to mention ONE. Before the false pandemic was stirred up, contractors (normally within construction) used a laser-based device to measure the temperature of a certain surface, called an infrared thermometer.

That point where I referenced the false pandemic was relevant, why? Because this exact type of thermometer is NOW used to scan your head for temperature checks because, medical authorities say if your temperature is above or below a certain point, you may be infected with a virus. This IS so false. It’s true that when our immune system is weakened and we experience symptoms of lowered immunity that we have always called a “cold” our temperature is affected, so we call it a “fever”.
However, this means, you are lacking certain NUTRIENTS which allowed your body to experience vulnerability to a pathogen or bacteria, etc. What you need to do is give your body the nutrients it needs, then let the body do what it does naturally, repair itself.
Back to the meter. That’s why it’s called a Thermo-Meter it is using the FREQUENCY of measuring THERMOGENESIS- (the production of heat) using light radiation aimed at your brain.
The kelvin is the primary unit of temperature measurement in the physical sciences, ( #5 in the international units of measurement- list above) but is often used in conjunction with the degree Celsius, which has the same magnitude.
Take one more look at the acronym of radar, and notice it says RADIATION.
Every temperature check executed is a “shot” of radiation directly into your head. It’s a small dose.

So our cell phones, emit another type of radiation going into our head when we hold it against our ear. It’s yet another small dose, but NOT FOR LONG with 5G, remember this goes far beyond was is healthy for our body. We are getting multiple doses of technological vaccines already which are causes of various and multiple symptoms of sickness, but the culprit gets away clean, that is THE TECHNOLOGY.
Do you think being scanned by radiation, and lasers is NOT a big deal. I bet you have NO IDEA what these technologies are capable of and are actually being used for. Check out this insert below.

This is in the realm of something known of as V2K (Voice To Skull)
Our bodies have been shown to resonate at around the 7.35 MHz frequency range. YES once again, we are ALL comprised of vibrating molecules. “They” are able to TRANSMIT sound, by light into your ear. Laser lights, transmitting sound to your ear is what is known as ONE form of ARTIFICIAL TELEPATHY or SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY. Chew on that as we proceed with these clips. Click the play button on these two short clips before moving on.👇🏽
Technology itself is not bad, but more so the mind of he who wields it.

This is a depth that very few ever dare to go. We begin to dive straight down as we discuss…

Defined as- Emission of visible light by a LIVING organism.
Bioluminescence is also NOT exclusive to deep marine life, for those in certain regions we’ve also seen this biological light show WAY BACK UP on the terrestrial surface in FIREFLY’S.

However, keeping at these OCEAN depths of thought, bioluminescence occurs in a myriad of species of marine life, from plankton to fish, octopi, squid, and others. Once again it is a form of COMMUNICATION used by organic biological life.
Bioluminescence is the result of a chemical reaction between TWO chemicals, ie.,
- Luciferin
- Luciferase
Both of the terms have been credited to being invented by a French pharmacologist named Raphael Dubois, who was known for his work on bioluminescence and anesthesia.

1 Corinthians 15:40 states: There are also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial: but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another.
The French pharmacologists named terrestrial, organic, biological luminescence after the world’s most infamous EXTRA TERRESTRIAL, i.e, CELESTIAL, fallen bright one.
That would be LUCIFER, the clear commonality of those two terms. Now, we’ve all heard this name for sure. It of course is the name of the fallen angel we all now call SATAN which became his name after his fall into outer darkness from the HEAVENLY realm.
Furthermore, his name in Hebrew is translated literally as LIGHT bearer, (In the sense of brightness) the morning star. Star is another word for ANGEL. Lucifer was a fallen angel/star, a celestial being.
Whether you believe it or not, we’ve all still know this biblical story. Any wonder why we are this deep down now?
Let’s continue.
Bioluminescence occurs when Luciferin is oxidized in the presence of a catalyst Luciferase (the photoprotein) it then produces LIGHT.
Bioluminescence produces light at a certain color of the color spectrum based on its environment, for example, Blue light is produced in deep water by Marine life because it travels further in the bathypelagic (deep) zone, and yellow light such as a firefly produces, because they are more sensitive to it on the terrestrial, or outside of water and land-based.
The next term from above that seems “sci-fi” is TELEPORTATION. Remember the definition is – Moving from one place to another without the need of conventional travel, by way of psychokinesis or telekinesis, and what is TELEkinesis? The ability to move/manipulate/control matter or another aspect of a physical system with the mind OR through NON-PHYSICAL means. Still, sound a little far-fetched? Ok. Here you go…

I really don’t like to use his name, in this instance it’s unavoidable due to making this point. Bill gates, is using this precise technology. Yet once again, it’s only ONE of the applications of quantum technology.
As you can tell by now this thing goes VERY VERY; need I say again VERY deep. Everyone is reporting on Bill patenting the quantum dot tattoo whose patent is 060606 no less the same number used for referring to LUCIFER which uses the same enzyme (Luciferase) combined with nanotechnology.
Since we‘re here; and I mentioned color when discussing bioluminescence, I’m going to expand on your knowledge yet again, with more meanings you DO NOT KNOW ABOUT, neither does the world prior to it being A FIRST RIGHT HERE and now.
Did you know…
COLOR means-
(Current Of Linear Oscillating Resonance)
That bit of information alone decodes how the color we see with our eyes; where we distinguish hues of light such red, green, blue, orange, yellow, purple, and more are made.
When a current of light energy’s resonation oscillates at a certain frequency, a hue of that light becomes visible and those variations we see is what we call COLOR in the COLOR SPECTRUM.
Just as D.C. is a current known as “direct current” such as from a battery, and A.C. Is “alternating current” like a socket in a wall.
Think of this, the colors on your screen as you read this are all a by-product of this acronym, keep this in mind as you read.
Fascinating I know.
We are coming close to reaching the very bottom depth, the deeper we go the more you get to see what others haven’t. This next depth compacts all the water from above and creates pressure so massive, your head would implode to the size of a small ball.

First, we all have cells in our body called cryptochrome cells, these are cells that detect magnetic fields which we can NOT see, but we can sense them.
However, IF we could see them, (The magnetic fields) it would be the precise equivalent of seeing smog and moving through it all day every day.
Now, back to your head more specifically your motherboard, the brain.
We all have a gland located in the center of our brain, the smallest gland in our body, called the PINEAL gland. Pronounced like pine-E-all.

Many all over the world are familiar with this gland, especially since it was highly studied and still is.
This is arguably the Holy Grail of the entire anatomy.
Let’s go further.
The PINEAL gland is called many things, such as the spirit gland, or the god gland, the third eye, or whatever else.
The pineal gland makes a hormone called MELATONIN, which is 5x as powerful as vitamin C, and 2x as powerful as vitamin E.
Melatonin ONLY secretes at night, which is when our brain gets the signal to repair the cells of our body.
We lose about 500,000,000 (half a billion) cells PER DAY, and at night our body replaces those cells.
As we repair, millions of free radicals are created as a by-product.
The free radical cells attack healthy cells. The free radical cell is the main cause of cancer (damaged, deformed, mutated cells).
Our bodies MAIN defense against the free radicals is melatonin. Melatonin mops up cancer-causing free radical cells.
Reduced amounts of melatonin cause your immune system to become less competent, which results in not sleeping well, heart complications, Being prone to dis-ease due to lowered immunity.
Note: Those “diagnosed” as having breast cancer have 1/10th of the normal amount of melatonin.
Males with prostate cancer have less than 1/2 that is needed.
How about this, autistic children have less than half of proper melatonin levels.
We are going to highlight this autism subject for a moment to show you something.
In my article called vaccination assassination, I spoke about Dr. Andrew Moulden Ph.D. Who did a significant study on vaccines. Autism spectrum disorder means the range of disorders labeled as autism.
He has proven that vaccines; multiple doses are precisely what impairs blood flow to the brain, ultimately resulting in low, to no oxygen therefore into neurological disorders.
So as we comprehend the pineal gland we begin to see some correlations with these low to no oxygen disorders.
The pineal gland sits in the area where the brain receives signals from the eye.
Therefore the pineal gland is light sensitive. Melatonin is only produced when the pineal gland senses that no light is present.
When lights are on, the brain or pineal gland stops making melatonin.
Here’s a BIG dot to connect:
Our brain interprets radio, and electromagnetic waves as LIGHT waves. Our brain doesn’t know the difference, because LIGHT ALSO has a frequency. Just as radio and electromagnetic waves are frequencies.
Our pineal gland is an antennae, even more so a transceiver. As in a receiver and a transmitter, imagine that.
It receives and sends out a vibrational frequency.
Let’s dissect that information. If our brain/pineal gland recognizes electromagnetic frequencies the exact same as light waves, and our pineal only produces MELATONIN when NO light is present, in which case melatonin is the main defense against free radicals, which is only made when we are in repair mode, which is at night when NO light is present during sleep, then what do you think happens when the pineal gland never gets the escape from light or what it perceives as light e.g., electromagnetic waves, in order for us to repair while we sleep?
If you guessed lowered immunity then you just became the next contestant on THE BRYCE is RIGHT!!!
Ok that was just me having fun, I’m not right, the facts and data are.
Around us all the time is the previously mentioned smog of electromagnetic fields which the brain can‘t tell the difference between it and light, therefore we suffer insomnia, we don’t repair the cells in our body properly, because we have wifi bluetooth, and 20 other devices, with the addition of meters, microwaves, cell phone towers, radio towers, Mast towers, new highway/freeway speed signs, in gas stations, casinos, hotels, homes, vehicles, SMART watches, even RFID chips in our clothes, (yes that’s a REAL THING) all of these (and more) are constantly creating these electromagnetic frequency fields around us like electric invisible smog, and we are soaking up this constant radiation.
It’s breaking through the barrier of our natural defenses, by way of higher frequency ranges.
Lowered melatonin has an ADVERSE affect on health. I bet the medical professionals you trust haven’t been telling you that.
Our bodies have frequencies we positively respond to within certain safe ranges, once the ranges are exceeded, we get into the area of cellular damage, cellular mutations, cellular deformities in other words cancer-cells.
Our cells even communicate with one another using light frequency.
This is why WE REQUIRE ELECTROLYTES to keep our cells functioning and charged up. The one we need the most of is Potassium., but all are vitally important.
Our DNA uses electromagnetic frequencies to reproduce itself; it is MAGNETISM that is connecting us, but with the pre-installed proper frequencies.
Remember there was a certain someone (Issac Newton) who was said to discover gravity? That is one of the biggest hoaxes ever, there is no such thing as gravity, it has always been magnetism.

We as mankind are made of frequencies of light, electricity, and magnetism, even the earths MAGNETIC poles; All of that is a vibration at a very acute highly, specific and intricate resonance.
With the advent of all the technology discussed echo sonar radar light sound, vaccines, health medical, technology, cancers, viruses we are all being integrated into a system in which the goal is to depopulate, and control the remaining by way of what we have naturally installed within us all, vibrational frequencies integrate us to an ARTIFICIAL network but manipulating our DNA with nanotechnology, which is also artificial quantum (extremely small) robots which makes controlling us easier.
This is a depiction of what being integrated would look like

I wrote this article almost a year ago from the date posted. After completing this article, I found an article by Lynn Quiring, RPh, CCN, NMD who I don’t know nor have heard of. It further substantiated everything I’ve learned in my previous tenure. I came back to include it in this section to show, there are many of us in these fields that are attempting to bring some light to others. I’ve included the excerpt below.
The toxins and free radicals that build up inside the cell as a part of our body’s normal metabolic processes can’t exit the cell properly. This build up of toxins and free radicals inside the cell damages and destroys mitochondria. The mitochondria are the organelles inside the cell that produce energy for the body in the form of ATP. When energy is not generated the cell cannot detoxify nor will it have energy to communicate with other cells.
Consequently, the vital cell-to-cell communication process is lost. When this communication is lost a basic physiological process is disrupted. Messages between cells aren’t sent, needed hormones and neurotransmitters are not secreted and the immune system can’t respond appropriately.
As waste material and free radicals build up inside the cell mitochondria are damaged and cellular dysfunction ensues.
To illustrate the effect of this disruption think of the consequences to a group of cells that function to keep the blood-brain barrier closed. Those cells could no longer perform that task and leakage of the blood-brain barrier would occur. Indeed, leakage of the blood-brain barrier has been one of many findings in research. (13)
The free radicals that build up inside the cell also interfere with the repair and replication of DNA. Many studies have shown the formation of micronuclei following exposure to information-carrying radio waves.
Now we’re at the bottom of the abyss there SEEMS to be no where else to go but up.
Before we go, we might as well explore the DEEPEST area. You didn’t think the Abyss was as far as this comprehension goes did you?

For the sake of edification, yes there really is a zone of the ocean with this category. It is the challenger deep zone, or Marianas trench. This is the level of DEEP thinking we’re going to to connect this entire picture.
We’ve all heard of the all seeing eye, like the one on the back off your dollar bill, or the same one we see in occult symbolism all through out the earth. In fact many that read this have a very intimate relationship with that symbol.
The all seeing symbol the dollar bill looks like this

But do you know why it looks like that? Well it’s because the all seeing eye and the pineal gland are the exact same thing,
The symbol itself is the actual shape of the pineal gland and it’s surrounding parts, in the brain.

It’s why it’s called the all seeing eye, or the third eye or the god gland, or spirit gland, OR the EYE OF RA. Ra is an Egyptian god that was and is worshipped in dark secs. It also is directly tied to the fallen angels, in fact Ra IS just another name for he who has MANY NAMES, satan.
Put them together and it looks like this.

This melatonin is precisely what causes you to step into the spiritual realm when you dream. Your pineal gland is a portal in the spirit world, and many use occult practices to do things, causing more harm than good such as using psychedelic pharmaceutical drugs, or other natural psychedelic roots to induce the affects that melatonin does naturally.
Did you know that?
So think about all of this, if ”I“ know this, who else do you think with more money, and worldly power knows this about you/us.
To some people, this type of information is what they call mumbo jumbo, as a way to condescend, or the one term we despise the most i.e., conspiracy theory, or not real science, or whatever else. However those sort of comments only expose people who have no true knowledge, and information themselves, they haven’t been exposed to anything above their baseline intellect, so they don’t have a mental concept of subjects such as these.
Side note: I don’t write ANY information, to receive a prize, an award, to sound more intelligent, smarter, nor more educated; only to give those who this information would serve as a key to unlocking their minds mental door that was meant to be opened with the correct type of knowledge, but perhaps the right key hadn’t been introduced yet.
I also write so that hopefully most can grasp and comprehend the information, however as well as to elevate the reader.
We may all make our own choices, however what if NO ONE ever showed you both sides of the coin, you would think there was only one image, until you were shown the other side.
Therefore, I beseech you to allow your minds door to be opened.
They know the power of natural biology and it’s connection to your spirit, therefore there has been every attempt to suppress your natural functions, through frequencies far out the range of our healthy bio rhythms, and resonance.
We are being inoculated unknowingly through our own cell phones.
We have being giving medical procedures with so called “tests”.
So called-Vaccinated with injections.
Next so-called vaccinated with quantum light and digital tattoos.
It’s all SO-CALLED, because the word vaccination is being misused, yet for the sake of those who don’t know it, that’s what we’ve been calling it.
Which brings us to this. We have NOW, heard of different vaccine manufacturers.
- Pfizer/BioNtech
- Astra Zeneca
- Moderna
If you do your research, ON the research and study it (which is boring for most) you will uncover more detail than you probably want to read about.
My point is this, we know their names, or do we?
BioNtech (according to record) means Biopharmaceutical NEW Technology
However consider all the published research and peer reviewed science and studies and you will find that many who have gotten these vaccines are being altered/ changed, you get the picture.
So with some decoding this is what we find,
- BioNtech – (Biological-pharmaceutical NANO Technology)
- Moderna – (Modified RNA)
As in to do precisely what’s being altered in us by way of these vaccines, mRNA (Messenger RNA – RiboNucleic Acid) just remove the letter “E” in the name Moderna and it’s clear.
I have research studies, and documents that show that even HIV, is/was a biological created weapon against humanity. These vaccines are causing auto immune diseases, cancer cells, and chimera syndromes. If you don’t know what a chimera is that alone will blow you mind.
Click on this link below, someone posted this, and I came across it. This is confirming what I wrote in the “vaccination assassination” article which shows a PDF document (From Rockefeller foundation.org site) of the PLAN to introduce an artificially CREATED PATHOGEN. Yet at the same time, a FAKE one as a live simulation prior to that. Which is what we’re in RIGHT NOW. Click here👇🏽 Then return to continue reading.
Next, I’d like you to see a photo of a show that use to air on TELEvision called “the Big Bang” (which I never saw). The following photo will show you inside of the red circles that this agenda was planned MANY years ago. This particular episode aired 2012 (9 years ago). In the back ground on the white board it shows them discussing PCR testing and DNA. Now why would that be? We know why. Disregard the play button THIS IS NOT A LIVE LINK BELOW JUST A SCREEN SHOT TO SHOW THE BACK GROUND AND DATES.

We as mankind (But not me) are being vaccinated by way of injected unnatural Biological, NanoTechnology, and it’s modifying our DNA by way of mRNA
Seem like coincidence? I’ll let you decide, however most of us already recognize this truth.
Let’s not stop there, I now will take the time to show you yet another term which is going to have many of you wonder about the decision you made to buy your SMART watch.
These devises we call smart, are really (once again) Trojan horses that some/many of the world has chosen to see as just a new thing. Here’s what SMART truly means.
(Secret Militarized Armaments in Residential Technology)
So this is your SMART meter, SMART watch, SMART refrigerator, SMART washing machine, SMART stove, and NOT LEAST your SMART vehicle/car.

Personally, I prefer a good ole dial watch with no electronics in it.
We (But nope not me) are so easily tricked into technology and society’s is being trapped by it willing. I know, it’s not easy to disconnect, and simply drop the things that have made your life more convenient.
For those mature enough, think about what you did before it was introduced. Yet again most of those methods have been done away with. These technological advances have been meticulously planned for YEARS.
I have been saying this over and over and that is….THIS GOES DEEP!
If you want to decode what the following term means, here you go.
- Certificate
- Of
- Vaccination
- IDentification
- 1 For the first letter A
- 9 For the ninth Letter I
(Certificate Of Vaccination IDentification with Artificial Intelligence)
I know, it’s hard to comprehend WHY people would plan such things against other people, on a scale the includes the whole population of the earth. Well you have to know who these people are, what their agenda is based off of. If you don’t know that, or even want to know who, what, and why, then it’s a moot point, and those will be completely blind sided and victimized.
Stay tuned for my forthcoming article which will debunk everything that was told to you about having a respiratory infection, the loss of smell and taste as being the reason to say you have covid.
In closing, I will continue to add more content concerning this subject as well. Furthermore I have several posts to support you towards making better nutritional choices for a healthy and happy body. Anyone may sign up for forthcoming articles, however if you have questions or any direct comments, feel free to email direct at contact@exerciseassociation.com
I encourage you to pass this on, NOT FOR MY SAKE, but for the sake of the MANY who may benefit from the information.
Before you leave these depths, you will need to enter a DECOMPRESSION CHAMBER, if you ascend to fast you will experience a chemical reaction in your body. So take a breath, take it easy, digest this all and when you’re ready, revisit it.
Sleep well, Eat well, Train Well
Yours in good health
I am so grateful for your article post. Much thanks again. Keep writing.
Thought provoking.
Jesus also said “ he who has ears let them hear”. Calling for us to take careful heed. Mathew 11:15. The last few years I have been troubled that many people hearing the same message fail to ‘receive it’. This World is under a great delusion. All things are coming together at the speed of light towards the end of the Church Age.
Great job!!