An interesting title isn’t it?
That’s because if you take just this time to read this information, you will find out there is a twist, which will be tied in knots by the end.
We’ve been discussing our health, specifically the nutrients of the physical body. The echoing recap is that we approach all nutrition from a cellular level. In doing so we deal with the cause, not the symptom, thereby removing the disease which is the result of the cause.
Let’s briefly highlight 11 systems of the body.

• Circulatory
• Digestive
• Endocrine
• Integumentary/exocrine
• Muscular
• Nervous
• Reproductive
• Respiratory
• Skeletal
• Excretory

A strong defense system keeps us protected from invading forces . We all have fully armed officers built in to our physical body. When something tries to penetrate, and attack us, its only job is to defend. But in order to defend, the officers need equipment, they need to eat, and rest. For strength, the defense system depends on what it needs to protect a noble temple.
I’m big on definitions, because I know in order to understand anything you must know what the words mean. When words are understood it unlocks a picture in your brain. We call it comprehension/understanding. Think of words like dots, When they are connected, it forms a picture leading to comprehension of the subject. That being said; here’s why it’s called lymphatic.
Lymph is a clear or white fluid made of:
- White blood cells, especially those called lymphocytes which are the cells that attack bacteria in the blood.
- Fluid from the intestines which contains proteins and fats.
A lymph node is soft, round or bean shaped structures, located in the neck, groin, arm pit, inside the chest and abdomen.
It is the lymph nodes that make immune cells (white blood cells) that help defend against attack. In other words fight off infection.

It’s those white blood cells that are the frontline of your defense force. Just think of a storm trooper and it’ll be a good memory tie in to white blood cells.

Keep in mind there’s a lot of biology behind all of this, however the technicalities are not necessary, as we only want to bridge the gap of understanding, or connect the words dots to why these nutrients are essential for the development and fortitude of the temple.
Vitamin C, D, and E helps keep your defense force strong. The same goes for your cardiovascular system. There’s a chain of command, and system of operation. All things must be filtered through the proper channels. In doing so, all areas are positively affected. Kind of like the logistics of a mail delivery system. If there is no paid postage, no address, a strike or any area that gets neglected, someone is not getting their package.

In fact all vitamins and other nutrients help support the immune system. Why? Because again, it’s the cell that is key. Every cell is a microscopic body in itself.
Inside the body of a cell are many members each requiring its nutrients. Every one of these members in the cell requires a small quantity of each nutrient. So for immunity, were talking cell membrane, cytoplasm, mitochondria, lysosome, nucleus and more; they all need a little bit of this and a little bit of that.

However Inside this microscopic body is something so marvelous it’s difficult to convey in words. So I’m going to do my best over the next several pages.
If you hired 1000 construction crew members to build, and 1000 storm troopers to protect a state of the art temple, but all of those people only got half paid, underfed, and overworked you would have a temple constantly under attack along with an under staffed, under equipped defense force, affording you only a temple built with the standards of cardboard pillars and walls when it should have been built with the finest marble and granite.
The twist begins…
In the movie “MATRIX” Morpheus asked Neo this question…Red pill or blue pill? Take the blue pill and continue as you are, or take the red pill and your eyes will be opened about the real world going on around you.
I’m asking you the same question now. Take the blue pill and stop reading, or take the red pill and prepare to have an additional layer of understanding possibly unlike before.

Have you ever noticed that the physical body and computers are great analogies of one another? More specifically the attack on either one is discussed with the same language terms. What I mean is…
This is where we draw the proverbial line in the sand.
There are two forms of intelligence
- Creation intelligence
- Artificial intelligence
- Artificial intelligence (Ai) is artificial life lower intelligence.
- Creation intelligence (Ci) is creation of life Higher intelligence.
Here is the difference with an analogy.
Involving a computer there is hardware and software.
Hardware is the screen, the laptop, the mouse, the part that sits on the floor, the phone, the tablet, the watch, the circuit board, wires, and anything you can touch.
Software is the programming installed into circuitry with codes, numbers, and commands like HTML for webpage design. This means Hyper Text Markup Language. It’s the basic building blocks of web page design and how it eventually looks.

This above, is literally HTML or a design language code. Doesn’t it look just like the matrix rain code above? It’s just not horizontal nor green.
All software consists of codes. Therefore when you type, something shows on the screen, or when you click a button, or touch a screen it performs the function you want, like finger print or facial recognition, activating audio, screen savers, opening an app or function, sending an email, and not least camera/video operations.
Software and hardware both together are an operating system.
In this operating system I want you to remember HTML. Hyper Text Markup Language. The key word is “language”. In order for the hardware and software to operate in a designed order, it must be able to communicate, hence “language”.
It’s artificial intelligence, and it’s not new. Over time the hardware is simply upgraded, and the software is updated. It only appears new because the hardware looks new (Just compare these phones from 2000 to now)

The software has been re-reprogrammed with new (language) codes and the way it looks on the outside (hardware) is upgraded. The T.V. tablet, phone, watch, vehicle, satellite, or robot are programmed to communicate within the parameters of its design.
As the software improves, the design has to improve.
The physical body of man and woman are also operating systems. Our body is synonymous to hardware. So as something Artificial gets updated and upgraded, in the physical it’s called learning and growing.
The operations underneath that makes us breath, repair, restore and grow, naturally without your help is preprogrammed software but of a higher intelligence.
If you haven’t connected this dot yet, allow me to help by saying a software upgrade is just a learning software, Meaning the ability to learn better, and integrate a new feature.
Just as we have a brain, so does every computer.
Both AI and Ci are programmed with learning software.
- Computers get updated and get new features.
- Man kind learns, and develops a new skill.
Whether it’s artificial or creation intelligence EVERY interaction of a biological or artificial operating system sends signals to the brain of the operating system, where all information is processed.
The origin of Creation Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence both are of spiritual technology.
The difference is the programmer.
That’s the line in the sand.
Now let’s twist and tie this all in that knot.
Those terms vaguely mentioned that are used to describe both the attack of physical bodies and computers is no accident. Those terms are as follows:
• Trojan Horse
• Virus
• worms
• Malware
In that order, for this reason. The worldly story of the Trojan horse is a mythological ten year war between ancient Greeks and Trojans told as a poem in old literature. Side note it’s based on a true event. The short version is that after ten years one side could not get a definite victory over the other, over a city called Troy. So the Greeks built a giant wooden horse with men hidden inside the belly and they left it on the shore. The Greeks pretended to sail away but hid behind an island. One Greek spy was left behind to convince The Trojans that the Greeks sailed home and that they should bring the horse inside, and the horse was a token of peace. The Trojans were convinced they finally won the war and brought the horse inside the walls of the city.
The Greek warriors climbed out of the horse at night and opened the city gates to allow the Greek army inside the gates of the sleeping city. In short the Trojans were at last defeated due to many deaths etc.
Hence the Trojan horse.

- A virus is a small infectious agent that replicates only inside the living cells of an organism
- A computer virus is a type of computer program that, when executed, replicates itself by modifying other computer programs and inserting its own code.
- Something that torments or devours from within. Infestation of the intestines or other parts of the body.
- Usually a small self-contained and self-replicating computer program that invades computers on a network and usually performs a destructive action.
The bonus definition:
Most didn’t know that the word vaccine does not only refer to an injection in “supposed” defense against disease, it also means the same for a computer.
Vaccine when referring to computers is another name for a software utility designed to protect computers from computer viruses.
A physical body gets an infection called a virus; However this term is VERY incorrect, it’s more so a pathogen. Many pathogens are bacteria not natural to the body, and are man made, or are worms (The un-naturalkind). Therefore our physical operating system is also being over written, with malicious software at the programming level or the cellular level.
But why? How? The Trojan horse.
Hold on though, this is about to take a deep plunge. This has never been told this way before.
There was actually a Trojan horse that came before this so called mythological war. It was in fact THE original Trojan horse that was a foreshadow of the Greek and Trojan war.
This original Trojan horse is none other than…
The tree of the knowledge of good and evil
Listen to this!

The pathogen (but we’ll call it a virus for the sake of common usage) was secretly hidden inside the tree, most people right now are thinking, “what”? If you’ve haven’t studied the story of Genesis this can be way over your head, I get it. But follow along.
The Virus ultimately corrupted the original Creation Intelligence-operating system once the tree was partaken of. Man kind got hacked and infected with Malware, synonymous to computers corrupted with the same malicious worm-software that destroys from within.
The sin is a virus, as a virus is a worm.
A spiritual parasite. The same sin virus (The angels that fell) corrupted other cells (the other angels) they too fell and became cancerous cells (Fell into sin) Who in turn installed the first Trojan horse. The planting of the tree, The angel that fell planted that actual tree eve ate from, which we learned was a separate tree from the tree of life.
If you don’t believe me, believe the scripture 3rd Baruch 4:8 …”And I said I pray thee show me which is the tree which led Adam stray. And the angel said to me, it is the vine, which the angel Sammael planted, whereat the Lord God was angry, and he cursed him and his plant, while also on this account he did not permit Adam to touch it, and therefore the devil being envious deceived him through his vine.”

Most people know that Genesis means “beginning” or “origin”
But what you may NOT know, is the reason WHY Genesis means beginning or origin.
What if I told you the word Genesis itself (not the book) has a beginning? Hmm that makes your brain wonder a bit right? Or maybe you’re questioning my thinking processes at this point.
But not after I tell you this.
The beginning/root word of Genesis is “Gene” pronounced (jean). Genesis is only one particular context of the base word gene.
Here’s WHY Genesis means origin:
- Gene is a biological code/program
- Genesis describes an original code (this happens when you add “sis”)
- Genetic is a specific original code, (this happens when you add “tic”)
- Genealogy refers to the lineage of a certain type of “genetic” species, category, or kind. This explains why Genesis means beginning/origin. Our “genes” are the original design codes.
The book OF Genesis is giving us an account, and the meaning of the original code for each category – type ever created from the plants, animals (land and sea) to man kind
We all have an original software code (gene) that differentiates us from another. Any deviation is a corruption of the original program. The marvelous thing inside a cell mentioned from above is NONE OTHER THAN DNA where the code is.
Man kind “Genetic” code, is different from animal ‘Genetic’ code, or a plant “Genetic” code. Remember “Genetic” in proper context is a specific type of original code. 1 Cor. 15:39-40 It says…
Verse 39: All flesh is NOT the same flesh: but there is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of beasts, another of fishes, and another of birds. Verse 40:– There are also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial: but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another.
Now do you see, a gene is a program language code, and viruses (pathogens) are also referred to as a software program code. Both have the programming to self-duplicate.
How does this tie the knot or relate to our nutrient deficiencies?
bodily systems are directly connected to the spiritual body.
To put it plainly,
We are spiritually nutrient deficient, just as much as we are physically nutrient deficient.
Our spiritual immune system is compromised when it lacks specific nutrients.
As we eat, we get nutrients from the food, but what we can’t get by eating, we supplement with vitamins, etc.
Feeding on the word through reading is supplying us with spiritual nutrients. We add (supplement) that reading with our actions.
Our mind is synonymous with our heart. Every system of the body requires nutrients that are designed to keep it functioning.
Supplementing with our actions is understood like this:
The nutrient that supports the strength and integrity of the spiritual immune system is obedience. Let’s call it vitamin (O).
If we are not following the commandments, our spiritual lymphatic system” is weakened, and lowered due to a lack of vitamin O/dis-Obedient. Therefore our spiritual body in this case is susceptible and vulnerable to spiritual viral worms of sin due to being nutrient deficient in obedience.
When there’s an attack on an operating system antivirus software must be developed and installed to clean the operating system. Therefore in comparison, as…
The antichrist (is the virus)
The antivirus (is Christ)

Physical and spiritual nutrient deficiencies leave our body vulnerable and exposed to worms and “un-natural” viruses due to weakened defenses.
We either get it naturally from something surrounding our health environment like food, water, air, soil.
Or it was artificially concocted and introduced as a Trojan horse like, T.V. music, and vaccines leaving us with physical and spiritual parasitic worms replicating, and overwriting both systems for a nefarious purpose.
Name ANY weird disease, or dysfunction, any one; and all of them have a paper trail (if you will). EVERY physical disease or sickness is a direct result of spiritual and physical nutrient deficiency, OR a TROJAN HORSE allowing worms of someone’s sin (Their wicked concoctions) to corrupt and proliferate our operating system.
This was a lot of information to process and digest. It’s not meant for everyone, but those who it is meant for will certainly get it.
If you have any direct questions or comments, feel free to email me direct at
Sleep Well, Eat Well, Train Well, feed on knowledge and truth.
Yours in good health
Best view i have ever seen !