Code name
The “Mask”-erade
A. Would you rather eat a delicious fruit that makes you feel so euphoric and tastes so good, that you fall asleep peacefully but it’s actually poison, and once eaten you never wake up and therefore die? Yet the whole time there was an antidote, however because it felt good you never considered it to be atrocious/wicked.
B. Would you rather get bitten by a poisonous snake and because you felt pain, you get anti venom and live?
A phenomenon occurred, the whole earth went into deep sleep, peacefully and willingly.
Follow along if you truly want to be enlightened, perhaps just perhaps, you will learn something you didn’t know, or haven’t been afforded up until this point.
In February 2020 (the same year of this article) the entire world as we know it, was being told that a rogue killer strain virus (originating from Wuhan China) had begun to spread.
It was said to have been spread by travelers not local to china, and as these travelers returned to their countries, and into their states, towns, villages, and cities; the virus also began to show up in those places all around the world.
Then It was stated to have been an air born virus, or/and spread by person to person contact, surface contact, etc. Symptoms were called “mild” flu-like symptoms, respiratory infections, aches, breathing complications and such.
The virus was stated by so called health officials to have been contracted somehow by bats in china.
Suddenly, news reports began to spread like the proverbial wildfire in a forest of parched trees; these cases were being reported everywhere and we (the world) were approaching a full scale pandemic according to these reports.
Local, state, governments, and officials began press conferences as to the severity of this situation and what was being done about it.
USA was blaming China, China was blaming the USA, the world was in the middle. There are going to be certain moments where a question will be posed to have you think, so here’s one of those times. Why was it China -VS- USA when the whole planet allegedly was affected? What’s the significance of that?
One of the first sub topics as a result of this “virus” were masks. All due to the scramble on how to prevent the virus from spreading.
Before we knew it, reports were spreading as VIRAL as the stated VIRUS itself, that territories all around the world were trending toward an imminent quarantine as more cases were being mentioned. This became known as a global lockdown.
By the time March hit, the entire world was closed e.g., churches, schools, gyms, casinos, factories, courts, real estate, banking, retail, restaurants, sports, various labs, airlines, and more. Unemployment hit a world record high. Only what was deemed essential was mandated to be open, e.g. Drug stores, guns shops, health food stores(sparsely), grocery stores, police, security, fire, and medical businesses, mechanics and dispensaries (Hmm) and those of the like.
Everyone was home, but the internet was open and business as usual. Social distancing, made social media the new standard, and “social” became the most OVER USED word in history, next to the words “corona, “COVID”, and “virus”.
However the internet was a portal to a paradise of peace for most of mankind.
Or was it?
As reports of a major fallout continued, along with whatever was going to happen to the world, doom and gloom set in, people everywhere began being reminded of what we’ve all seen in movies and heard of in religious sectors and that was THE END OF DAYS.
The reports were being mass produced out of the White House with seemingly no end, meanwhile similar reports were being cloned in local, city, state, and other local government offices all over the earth with information about bats, masks, how it became, what it is, and how it spread. Almost as if it was an entity with a mind of it’s own and mankind is powerless to even stop it.
We began seeing certain “health officials” pop up over and over with their “expert” commentary to answer the billions of questions all shared by mental telepathy, with everyone all over the earth. In other words, everyone with thousands of miles between us were all asking the same questions.
Communication became one of the most valuable resources in the blink of an “all seeing eye”. (Yes I’m being facetious with that one)
The streets were the emptiest, and quietest they had EVER been as a whole, and in the whole world, but honestly here in Las Vegas Nevada I loved it, finally no traffic, of ANY kind.
Life had just changed, and the vast majority weren’t prepared for it, and NEVER saw it coming.
Now what?
With the communication portal (the internet) wide open, many people did what they do best; post, like, comment, meme, share and albeit some of the things were entertaining, it was a window into the heirs of global ignorance at the same time.
You could tell the majority of EVERYONE believed it, and celebrities began to push the information, to the common population, when a celebrity pushed it, that became all the confirmation they needed. However they were just believing what they were told. Remember Celebrities are for the MOST part paid to just do and say what they are told.
While all this information was being touted by so called experts, and authorities there were many OTHER educated, skilled and trained people from, dietitians, holistic nutritionists, naturopathic doctors, homeopaths, nurses, paramedics, virologist, pathologists, herbalists, and MANY cross over variants of these and more that too began to jump into the portal, BUT with different information.
It seems something wasn’t adding up for US. Either everything all of us had learned was VERY wrong, or the information we have been stream fed liked farmed salmon was contaminated with GMO’S (Government Modified Officials) and it’s altering our natural DNA (Discernment Negating Abilities). Once again just be facetious.
Which could it be?
Opposing health professionals with a growing suspicion, who were against what was being told in the mainstream news began to use the communication portal of paradise to peace to share their professional thoughts, opinions, and knowledge.
Many others began to listen. More professionals found they weren’t alone, and began to agree with those speaking out, and too began to do the same.
Then these professionals began losing lifelong career positions, blacklisted, defamed, smeared, called quacks, etc. The information they put out was now disappearing…VIRALLY.
Meanwhile behind the scenes laws and mandates were being implemented.
Social platforms were banning together, to disband health professionals who were touting the information being shared with the world, via media as lies and hate speech.. Video’s on platforms like YouTube, and Facebook were being removed, twitter was tweaking and instagram was flaking. Was this a smear campaign? What was going on?
Free speech was null and void it seems.
*This seemed to be the undoing that a silenced majority woke up to with a consensus that, this is twisted.
THE NEXT BIG THING, everyone was defibrillated with free money. Trillions in currency just miraculously appeared everywhere. But here’s a serious question, if money is used to purchased goods, because goods aren’t free, HOW CAN MONEY BE FREE?
Those who print money can’t be in the business of GIVING anything away for free can they? There must be price, and eventually the cost right?
Well, eventually the world breathed a SIGH OF RELIEF when they were told they can go outside or somewhere and spend it all. Seems like a bribe.
Before anyone could take a second breath, a man was reported to have been unjustly killed by a police officer with a knee in his neck.
Somehow out of all the unfortunate deaths on MANY INNOCENT men, women and children by the hands of police, not to mention the many others and various ways; this seemed to be the ONE last straw that broke the camels back.
Protesting, rioting, looting, sprang up immediately like a fungus mushroom cloud of disturbia it seemed to un-nerve the entire world.
Activist groups sprang up like weeds. Suddenly black lives began to matter. All of this was immediately after a soft opening.
Within the same month of this opening, suddenly new mandates were now on the books, everyone must wear a mask in all businesses in order to slow the spread of the corona virus. All due to many not following the distancing protocol.
Because, no law had shown up yet, but governors in many states and officials all over the world were now signing mandates that stated that everyone should wear a mask. Eventually it was also recommended that people get temperature checks prior to entering in certain businesses.
All the while, businesses were being given the opportunity to offer COVID testing for anyone wanting to see if they may potentially have the virus.
People were dying in hospitals, NOT AT THE RATE projected, but unfortunately dying non the less. People died from this created plan, but it wasn’t by a naturally occurring pandemic if there is such a thing. But in TRUTH these deaths were attributed to the number one killer in the world, Medical Doctors and medical malpractice.
I know, it’s a sensitive subject, because many of us all know someone, or someone who knows someone who has unfortunately passed believing it to actually be from a virus called corona virus. The world has been bamboozled and THAT is some actual truth.
I personally know people who were affected by this situation (affected by-NOT diagnosed properly to say they died from it, let’s make that clear) Yet again the information was still fragmented, no one agreed on the same thing. It was now a dividing line, those who were running the show and stating we need to wear masks, take temperature checks; and those who said this is all wrong.
No matter how you look at it, the data has proven it, and in fact many, many, reputable health practitioners have also come out to expose the lies we’ve been told.
I’m not going to go into to all that data (yet), but if you do your research it’s available. I simply want to say, the medical establishment does NOT have your best interest in mind.
Scientist are not the foremost experts. They had to learn from theories, and methods which preceded them, and principles which also came even before those they learned from.
All of us had to learn something from something which came before us, however some of us humbly had to un-learn what we learned from some of those prior to us.
There is a LOT of truth out there, yet again when there are those who you think have your best interest in mind (but really don’t like you for reasons unknown to you) and are in control of how and what information is distributed, you won’t get the full truth. You’ll only get what you’re suppose to know. Next you’ll put your mask on and not realize you even have it on anymore, in other words you’ll fall asleep (mentally) no worse for wear, because you didn’t know there was a antidote.
You must know the history of the organizations that you believe are health friendly, science based, truth-health. News flash, all science is not truth science, it’s just that the word science get’s lumped into truth so easily and it’s not the case.
So don’t haphazardly believe what CDC, W.H.O. N.I.H. JAMA, and these so called charitable cancer organizations are telling you just because someone says they are a scientist or continue to seek a cure.
The word SCIENCE is a Greek word that simply means knowledge. You can have good knowledge, or bad knowledge and it can still be called science.
Everything that seems good, isn’t good, JUST ASK YOUR DOCTOR, HA!
What you don’t know CAN hurt.
A new flavor of kool aid was launched and everyone drank it.
Now even though people were “allowed” to go somewhere, just as quickly as that happened, mandates for everyone to wear masks all over the world reverberated out like a rung “liberty” bell, minus the liberty. Liberty means freedom. There’s a crack in the liberty bell, and there is a crack in our freedom.
Just as easily as so called-health experts said masks shouldn’t not be worn prior, now according to them, the only way to stop this virus is for people to cover their faces with masks. Let’s be clear, masks that are not medical grade and rated, do one thing, block the flow of ESSENTIAL OXYGEN.
Those who were just everyday people all over the world, instantaneously became germaphobic, magnets, and people police.
When you put the NEGATIVE SIDE of magnet close to the NEGATIVE SIDE of another magnet, they bounce off one another and you can’t see anything in between them that caused it to happen, but you can feel the force repel them.
It’s like everyone became this, and you can’t walk pass people without them jumping out of the way, by some invisible force. Well this invisible force is in your mind. You were told by a media device that there is a virus and you must stay 6 FEET AWAY from the next person to prevent catching what they may have, while you also wear a mask.
Prior to BEING TOLD WHAT TO DO, didn’t you always move (not run and bounce) out of the way when someone walked by in public; if for no other reason than to be courtesy so you wouldn’t run into one another?
The next one is, if you happen to be one of those people who drank WAY TO MUCH of this kool aid, you are the one that became people police. It became you’re duty to walk up to a total stranger and tell them that they are SUPPOSE TO wear a mask. If they ignored you, or said anything opposite of this, you took it personal. So you went and told security, or you began calling police on people who may be your neighbor; or family, even got into arguments and maybe fights all because YOU felt like it was your COVID deputy duty to do so.
Lastly, everyone was being educated on how to wash their hands, how long, and to sanitize them often, and EVERYDAY. Lets pose this question, what were you doing in January 2020 when you were saying happy new year (not to mention prior) when NO ONE heard of coronavirus, yet it was on the same Lysol can many bought for years? When did it become ok to begin telling on neighbors and family and approaching strangers just to tell them what YOU THINK they should be doing? In other words when did everyone stop minding their own business?
Now we know, we’ve all seen people walk out of a bathroom after relieving themselves of whatever, and NOT WASH THEIR HANDS.
We’ve all seen people for whatever reason want to be such a busy body they feel they have to be in someone else’s business.
However now it’s a world of mindless drones all doing it for the most part. Why? BECAUSE (AGAIN) TOO MANY DRANK THE KOOL AID. Btw if you don’t know what that means, sorry I don’t have time to explain it.
Tech company owners and CEO’s are now suddenly health officials, and experts.
Here is one of those question moments…
Why hasn’t anyone asked themselves this question? Why is anyone listening to, attending medical lectures, and conferences from a guy who has no medical, clinical, physiological, nutritional, education of ANY kind, whose name is synonymous with “gates of hell”? It doesn’t make sense,
Shouldn’t this person be talking about computer VIRUSES?
From here let’s ask this question…
What is a virus?
The following is a definition of virus according to
1.An ultramicroscopic, metabolically inert, infectious agent that replicates only within the cells of living hosts, mainly bacteria, plants, and animals: composed of an RNA or DNA core, a protein coat, and, in more complex types, a surrounding envelope.
2. a viral disease.
3. a corrupting influence on morals or the intellect; poison
4. a segment of self-replicating code planted illegally in a computer program, often to damage or shut down a system or network.
Focus on what was underlined only to get through the weeds a bit.
According to this, a virus can occur in a living organism, an inanimate (lifeless) object (computer), and It can even be descriptive of a person of bad morals and influence, or psychological methodology.
Therefore a VIRUS can occur, or it can be. This means:
viruses fall under only two headings.
- Viruses occur, or exist naturally in living organisms.
- Viruses can be a label for those that are “a person” – (example) the persons ways are a corrupting influence on morals or the intellect; therefore a psychological poisonous virus themselves. “Implanted by a person”for the sake of infiltration creating vulnerability and disease whether it be technology or biology.
Haven’t you heard someone refer to someone else as a PATHOLOGICAL LIER? OR GAMBLER?
As the definition states above, “ corrupting influence on morals or ethics”.
Who are these so called health experts? They in truth are all PATHOLOGICAL LIERS, THEY ARE THE VIRUS, their lies have spread throughout the entire planet, their lies are (literally) poisoning the world.
But they have perfectly made the world believe their virus is naturally occurring and mutating in you. Even more so specifically if you are what they label as black (African American), brown (Latin/Hispanic) Native American, Pacific Islanders, and even Alaskan Americans even without showing a symptom. The basis is covered on all sides. If you cough, you must have it, if you sneeze, you must have it, if you have a stuffy nose, you must have it, if you hiccup, you might have it, if your ears itch you might have it, basically, if you woke up this morning, YOU MUST HAVE IT, even if you don’t show any symptoms, a.k(a)symptomatic.
(Every categorical name above is incorrect those names were made up by slave owners- different subject).
Meanwhile others with years of experience, education, knowledge, skill, clinical, proof, and peer reviewed, factual, provable data speak truth and get smeared.
Truth news becomes VIRAL but gets scrubbed, fake news can tout doctors who wear scrubs pushing a virus of pathological lies, HA! Imagine that.
What spreads faster than the truth? If you guessed a lie, then you just graduated from “take off your mental mask 101”. That’s the real virus people, because a lie is a virus.
Some much needed truth
Did you know the physical body has not MILLIONS, not BILLIONS, but TRILLIONS of natural VIRUSES, in and on our body?
This is a community of viruses known as the “HUMAN VIROME” these will be in category one from above (natural viruses) these do NO HARM to us. The ones that exist naturally, furthermore without these viruses we would not live.
Mainstream media will not tell you this. They conveniently seem to leave this out.
The next collection can “be”, a person of corruption or negative influence, a negative method or influence “of a person” , a code implanted into an inanimate object “by a person”, or an infectious agent created “by a person” to be implanted in living organism. These belong to category two from above.
Furthermore, viruses that attack our body’s healthy (Natural) bacteria are called phages these or those viruses that are from what is called the “common cold”, Ebola, dengue, flu, sars, HIV, Mers, swine flu, bird flu, the bird flew over the coo coo’s nest-flu, and the myriad of other harmful viruses. These viruses are NOT NATURAL.
If the so called common cold virus, flu, Ebola, SARS, bird flu, HIV, swine flu, and more aren’t natural, how did they get into the body?
Refer back up to the second category of viruses for the answer. But I’ll help by saying, they were introduced into the body, not naturally occurring.
Even more so, where did they come from? That question is where the worm hole begins, and it’s the best question EVER because now you’re open to answers, and facts, and YOU’RE GOING TO GET THAT HERE, AS WE TRANSITION.
As a certified holistic nutritionist, I’m specialized in approaching nutrition from a cellular level furthermore taking in consideration health not just physically, but also mental and spiritually I understand that we are made of trillions of cells, from the (🚨👉🏽) smallest sperm cell that we’ve all come from, to the person you see in the mirror.
My cross studies and education are of cytology, chemistry, physiology, Biology, nutrients like vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids; systems of the body, e.g., lymphatic, skeletal, reproductive system, etc.
However since I am not schooled nor trained, in virology, allopathy, neurology, and certain other sectors of health; I study the work of other professionals who are the specialist in these areas, up to and including the history, peer reviewed studies, the tests, and trials. I then compare and cross reference it all with my knowledge and education. This affords me a level of discernment to filter out the bad from the good, or the lies from the truth.
I come across MANY health professionals and organizations who believe in natural health, and wellbeing, without the use of artifical or unnatural methods.
To my delight, I also find published studies, clinical trials, and reports from these professionals.
But what I also notice, is that (again) NONE OF IT IS MAINSTREAM information. It’s never promoted, never pushed through ANY media. I liken it to being in a library with millions of books on how to make money, and only one single book in all those millions on how NOT to lose money.
If you would like to read and be privy to some of the MOST COMPELLING INFORMATION you’ve possibly EVER heard on this topic, 🚨👇🏽click the link below for part two of this article entitled…
If you have any direct questions or comments, feel free to email me direct at
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Sleep Well, Eat Well, Train Well,
Yours in good health
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