Fructose, Fucose, Galactose, Glucose, Hexose, Mannose, Ribose, Xylose
Chitin (chitosan) Glycogen, Hylauronic acid, Pectin, Starch

Had enough sweet talk yet?
We’ve got more…
Here’s a question, Has your doctor ever offered to check the level of insulin in your blood? Not blood glucose levels, BLOOD INSULIN levels.
This is why that question is posed.
Excess insulin in the blood (hyper-insulin-emia) is…
• a direct CAUSE of elevated “cholesterol” levels
• a direct CAUSE of elevated triglyceride levels!
• a direct CAUSE of elevated blood pressure!
• a direct CAUSE of increased storage of fat in fat cells
which obviously leads to obesity!
If medical doctors actually started to treat the dietary CAUSE of high “cholesterol”, high triglycerides, high blood pressure and obesity (all caused by too much sugar in the diet), then they wouldn’t be able to sell you drugs that claim to do the same. They wouldn’t be able to instruct you to come back for monthly checkups in order see if the drugs were damaging your liver or other internal organs. They wouldn’t be able to recommend bypass surgery, or angioplasties, or ultrafast computed tomography scans.
Sugar” has TRULY PERILOUS effects upon your cardiovascular system. The American Medical Association, the American Heart Association, the Federal Government’s Official Food Pyramid and your trusted medical doctor all criminally tell you to INCREASE your intake of carbohydrates to 55% of your total dietary calories! This insane diet is even recommended to diabetics!
There is no drug to lower insulin levels. Foremost, the root CAUSE is consuming too many carbohydrates in all forms, especially processed “sugars”.
Since the CAUSE is known, it is also known that no drug can be the solution. The only ethical, logical and effective treatment is the removal of the CAUSE. The only solution is a diet that eliminates “sugars” and restricts carbohydrates from other sources.
Another question; Has your MD ever recommended that you check the level of glycated hemoglobin in your bloodstream? Glycated hemoglobin is simply a measurement of red blood cells that have been damaged by glycation meaning that your red blood cells have too much “sugar” stuck to the hemoglobin on their surfaces. Damaged, “sugar-coated” blood cells are unable to function properly. They are unable to transport oxygen from the lungs to the tissues throughout the body.
There’s that major nutrient again, i.e., OXYGEN
Oxygen is the breath of all life. Every level of our body needs it. Without it, in short words WE DIE.
Glycated hemoglobin must be removed from the bloodstream by the spleen and destroyed. “Sugar” causes this type of damage in even the healthiest of human beings. Scientists are able to measure “glycated hemoglobin” in the bloodstream in order to determine the relative level of damage that sugar may be causing in a person’s body, but doctors rarely recommend this test. This is because no drugs are available to treat this problem and therefore they would have to tell you the simple truth: STOP EATING SUGAR! But if you ask a doctor to tell you the truth, it would be like asking the prince of hell to return back to THE ALMIGHTY, in a certain vernacular “it ain’t gonna happen”. This dietary issue must be addressed in order to maintain healthy red blood cells as well as overall good health.
When “sugar” enters your bloodstream in quantities that are dangerous to the health of your blood and cardiovascular system, the body has no choice but to do something. First, large amounts of insulin are secreted. Under the influence of insulin, the excess “sugar” is quickly and effectively converted into triglycerides and CHOLESTEROL. After this conversion takes place, these substances will appear in your blood test, and the syrupy nature of your blood will show up as elevated blood pressure. These test results may very well be misinterpreted and/or misrepresented by your medical doctor and an attempt may very well be made to convince you to treat these symptoms with pharmaceutical drugs, Yes you got it, blood pressure medication.
There are so many people criminally prescribed these drugs which are doing no more than exacerbating the condition of the uninformed patient.
I came across two hundred and twenty five (225) high blood pressure meds that many are taking as we speak. The only way to beat them is to educate, inform, and empower. Seeking help from politicians, and government entities is a lost cause. They are all in on it, for the love of money. This is why most information that informs the public is immediately scrubbed as soon as it begins to circulate. We are going to dissect an entire topic on high blood Pressure as we’re doing here with sugar so, we’ll save those details for that post, yet it all ties in. Meanwhile we continue.
If the overconsumption of sugar continues, weight gain leading to obesity is a common consequence. Your medical doctor may very well attempt to convince you to treat your obesity with drugs or surgery. If your body so chooses, it may decide to flush out some of the excess “sugar” via the urine. This is one of the classic symptoms of diabetes. Your medical doctor may attempt to get you to treat these symptoms with medication or via injections of insulin, rather than by addressing the simple dietary reality.
Many people are familiar with the “glycemic index”, but the “glycemic index” only reflects the speed at which the “sugar” onslaught occurs. A more important measure of the problem is a simple measurement of the overall carbohydrate load that you are placing upon your body. Just count carbs! You don’t have to go as low as let’s say Atkins diet recommends, but you do need to be aware of your overall carbohydrate intake. ALL carbohydrates stimulate the release of insulin. Some just do it faster than others. It’s the total that really counts.
Here’s the start of the bottom line, if you’re over consuming carbohydrates, without a regular regime of rigorous exercise, you are gaining body fat-weight and storing it.
We have to re-strategize our nutritional plan. We must also realize we are being lied to by the medical establishment, the government, and more.
You may even be exercising and not seeing the results you want, all because of sugar. If this information was useful don’t keep it, share it. Subscribe to this article and visit the YouTube page for much more soon to come. The bottom line…
You may not believe it, there’s ever SO much more to discuss on this sugar topic. Yet I hope this has given you some much needed ammo to fight the lies you’ve been told and inform you of what you haven’t been told.
Stay connected for the complimenting posts on Blood pressure, oxygen, cholesterol, and more.
Yours in good health.
If you have any direct questions or comments, feel free to email me direct at