If you haven’t read our article called “MENTAL HEALTH, HORMONES, & NUTRITION” we recommend you read that first to grasp why we begin this topic like this…
So you think you know something about Cholesterol, if so, here’s a question.
Now here’s an answer:
CHOLESTEROL is a NATURALLY occurring steroid hence chole-sterol. Furthermore it’s THE MOST IMPORTANT NATURAL one of them all.
That information was intentionally omitted from the (Link)👉🏽 MENTAL HEALTH, HORMONES, & NUTRITION ARTICLE, so that we could dissect this information in such a way that afforded you some detailed comprehension, all while debunking some fallacies.
Here’s how we ended that article:
CORTISOL is classified as a gluco–corticoid because its main purpose is to maintain at least a minimum amount of the (Link) 👉🏽compound we call sugar in the bloodstream at all times.
Where do YOU think the adrenals get this cortisol?
The answer is from progesterone, made from pregnenolone, made from….
Without cholesterol none of our hormones would be possible. NOT ONE.
EVERY NATURAL steroid hormone in the body is MADE FROM CHOLESTEROL.
In addition, EVERY cell in our body has an outer lining which is comprised of cholesterol.
As the title states… you are about to finally learn the TRUTH and the LIE about cholesterol.
This is going to be more information than you have EVER been afforded from the current modern day medical establishments, and their physicians. Share it with EVERYONE.
Here’s how this all works.
There is family tree (if you will) of the sterol family. From the birthing grounds of cholesterol comes a list of other VITAL, NATURAL, HORMONE STEROIDS necessary for life itself. They are as follows.
(Link) 👉🏽VITAMIN D3 a.k.a. cholecalciferol. When in the presence of sunlight the body can manufacture its own vitamin D3. BUT HERE’S WHAT YOU DON’T KNOW.
Vitamin D3 is actually made from CHOLESTEROL which is found in the cells of the skin for a number of reasons. Its wax-like nature makes it a perfect compound to protect the skin from the ravages of water, pathogens, harsh chemicals and even minor injury. CHOLESTEROL even offers natural protection from the sun. When one of the carbon rings of CHOLESTEROL is hit by ultraviolet radiation from the sun, it absorbs some of the energy and protects the body from further sun damage. In the process, CHOLESTEROL is changed into Vitamin D3. The altered, but still useful molecule is then removed from the skin. From there it travels to the liver where it is altered further. Then it travels to the kidneys for even further alteration. Finally it is ready to proceed to the small intestine where it is put to work improving the body’s ability to absorb dietary calcium from the inside of the digestive tract.
Pregnenolone is made from CHOLESTEROL in the mitochondria of EVERY CELL of your body. It’s THE FIRST compound that the body produces directly from CHOLESTEROL. All of the other hormones from this point on are then manufactured from pregnenolone, again CHOLESTEROL was first.
Pregnenolone is produced from CHOLESTEROL in our adrenal glands, liver, skin, testicles, ovaries and brain. Furthermore it was found that it’s actually pregnenolone that is helpful in reducing stress and fatigue.
DHEA which is made in the adrenal glands, the androgens and the estrogens (following below) are then made from DHEA.
Higher levels of DHEA in people of all ages correlates with:
• Improved health
• Longer lifespan
• Longer period of healthier life
• Higher energy levels
• Improved immune function
• Improved ability to adapt to stress
• Improved sense of overall well-being
• Increased libido
DHEA-S which is found in blood plasma. A sulfur bound in DHEA-S making it more water soluble is the differentiation between regular DHEA. The benefits of DHEA and DHEA-S are the same.
- DHEA-S, is NOT biologically active.
- DHEA is biologically active
Why is that important?
- Blood tests for DHEA-S DO NOT distinguish between DHEA and DHEA-S.
- Saliva tests DO distinguish between biologically active DHEA and biologically inactive DHEA-S
Progesterone: Both men and women manufacture progesterone in the myelin sheath that surrounds and protects all nerve and brain cells. Progesterone acts to ensure the growth and development of a newly impregnated egg in the womb (uterus) of an expectant mother-to- be. The dramatic reduction in the amount of progesterone in the woman’s body after childbirth can cause severe post-partum depression in new mothers. If a woman experiences this, they will tell you it’s ANYTHING ELSE but a reduction in a natural hormone that can be relieved by simply raising your progesterone. The placenta produces the progesterone in VERY HIGH amounts during the third trimester.
Progesterone has a VERY VERY LONG list of benefits:
• Increases libido in women at the time of ovulation.
• Stops ovulation by the other ovary once one egg has been
• Makes the cervical mucus accessible by sperm.
• Maintains the the lining of the uterus (secretory
endometrium) for nurturing a possibly fertilized egg
• Necessary for the embryo to survive.
• Prevents immune rejection of the developing baby.
(Fetuses carry the DNA of the father, which is “foreign” to
the mother’s body.) Male DNA determines GENDER.
• Facilitates the use of body fat for energy during pregnancy.
• Allows for the full development of the fetus throughout
• Allows the fetus to develop without determining
gender specific development.
Progesterone is important for…
• Cortisol and ALL the other adrenal corticosteroids.
• Aldosterone ALL all the other mineralcorticoids.
• The androgens (androstenedione and testosterone) in
BOTH males and females.
• The estrogens (estradiol, estriol and estrone) in BOTH
females and males.
General functions of progesterone…
• Necessary for healthy growth and maintenance of the myelin sheath that surrounds nerve cells.
• Protects against spasms of the heart muscle!
• Normalizes blood clotting functions.
• Protects against strokes.
• Restores proper tonicity to the cardiovascular system.
• Activates osteoblasts to increase new bone formation.
• Is thermogenic (raises body temperature).
• Helps metabolize fat for energy production.
• Helps prevent high blood pressure!
• Helps thyroid hormone function properly.
• Acts as a natural diuretic.
• Helps relieve muscle cramping.
• Acts as a natural anti-depressant.
• Helps relieve anxiety.
• Maintains normal cell membrane functions.
• Increases immunoglobulin E (Ig-E), which can help sinus,
respiratory and vaginal infections and allergic reactions.
• Reduces the incidence of auto-immune disorders.
• Calms down a hyper-sensitive immune system.
• Helps prevent yeast (candida) infections in large doses.
• Helps normalize blood sugar levels.
• Restores proper CELL OXYGEN levels.
• Normalizes zinc and copper levels.
• Is anti-inflammatory.
• Protects against endometrial, breast and ovarian cancer in
• Protects against fibro-cystic growths in the breast.
• Protects against prostate cancer in men.
• Complements and balances many of the functions of the
• Restores balanced sensitivity to cell receptors for the
In a study of 1,083 pre-menopausal women, it was found that those who suffered from progesterone deficiency were five times as likely to develop breast cancer and ten times as likely to die from malignant growths of all types when compared to women with normal progesterone levels. The next time you or someone you know is told they may develop or has breast cancer, consider the hormone deficiency of progesterone which leads all the way back to a nutritional deficiency where cholesterol is lacking.
CORTISOL: To be all inclusive, this is a reiteration of cortisol in the MENTAL HEALTH, HORMONES, & NUTRITION article.
Cortisol is NOT the stress hormone. Cortisol signals the body that nutrients are in short supply.
- Cortisol levels rise during activity
- Not eating
- While sleeping
One of the actions that the adrenals take is to release cortisol into the bloodstream. A steady stream of CHOLESTEROL is needed BY the adrenal glands for them to be able to manufacture the specific steroid hormones that they must release into the bloodstream in order to satisfy the requests of the brain and in turn, guarantee that the nutrients needed by the tissues of the body are available in the bloodstream.
The benefits of adequate and timely cortisol production by the adrenals are far too many to mention, but the list includes…
• Balanced and stable blood sugar levels.
• Balanced and stable energy levels.
• Balanced and stable levels of protein and amino acids in
the blood.
• Ability to think clearly.
• Lower levels of inflammation throughout the body.
Aldosterone is classified as a mineral-corticoid. Its purpose is to regulate the balance of minerals in the body, mainly sodium and potassium, but magnesium is also affected.
YOU MUST KNOW THIS- sodium, potassium, chlorine, carbon (carbonate), magnesium, calcium, sulfur (sulfate) and phosphorus (phosphate) are known as ELECTROLYTES. EVERY CELL of your body absorbs certain electrolytes to create an electrical charge on the inside of the cells. Then pushes other electrolytes outside of their cellular structure that is a different electrical charge on the outside of the cells. Each cell acts as a battery that is able to produce actual electricity. Our cells CANNOT survive in water (within our body) without electrolytes.
Trillions of cells of the body rely upon aldosterone to maintain an environment that is conducive to electricity.
Some of the functions of aldosterone include:
• Maintaining proper electrolyte balance in the body.
• Maintaining an adequate supply of water in the body.
• Maintaining proper blood pH levels.
• Maintaining proper blood thickness or viscosity.
ANDROGENS: ALL healthy, male and female-mankind produce androgens from CHOLESTEROL.
Higher levels bring out typical “male” characteristics
• Disproportionately short legs
• Decreased (fat)
• More prominent larynx (Adam’s apple)
• Lower pitched voice
• Excessive facial and body hair
• Larger penis or clitoris
• Increased muscularity and strength
• Thicker skin
• Increased aggressiveness
• Higher body temperature
ANDROSTENEDIONE: A natural substance that is found in humans, animals and in the pollen from many plants. It is produced in the gonads and in the adrenal glands from DHEA or from progesterone, which are both made from pregnenolone, which is made from CHOLESTEROL. androstenedione, is the building block of another naturally occurring substance known as..
TESTOSTERONE: Testosterone promotes the synthesis of protein and is known for its anabolic (growth) and masculinizing effects. Large amounts are produced from CHOLESTEROL in testicles. Testosterone is also synthesized in smaller amounts by the ovaries, zona reticulosa of the adrenal cortex and the placenta.
The effects of testosterone include:
• Genital masculinization (development of penis, scrotum, prostate and seminal vesicles)
• Deepening of the voice
• Increased facial, bodily and pubic hair
• Increased muscle mass and strength
• Increased bone density and strength
• Increased libido and aggressiveness
• Increased mental and physical energy
Testosterone can be converted into estradiol, so excess levels of testosterone can actually result in a “femininization” of either gender.
ESTROGENS This is actually a entire class of compounds NOT JUST ONE PARTICULAR HORMONE.
ALL healthy male and female mankind, produce estrogens from CHOLESTEROL.
Most estrogens are produced in the ovaries, Small amounts are actually manufactured in the testes of men. But also elsewhere in the body, especially by the adrenal glands. (in smaller amounts) in fat cells, muscle cells and skin cells.
Higher levels of the estrogens (relative to other hormones) can result in…
• Disproportionately long legs
• Increased adiposity (fat)
• Typical “female” pattern deposition of body fat (hips,
breasts, etc.)
• Less prominent larynx (Adam’s apple)
• Higher pitched voice
• Lack of facial and body hair
• Small clitoris or penis size
• Diminished muscularity and strength
• Thinner skin
• Increased passivity
• Lower body temperature
One of the most important, but ignored functions of “estrogen” is that it improves the body’s ability to absorb copper.
ESTRADIOL The MOST POTENT ESTROGEN of both men and women.
Estradiol has been found to inhibit the entry of calcium into coronary artery cells in a manner that is similar to the effect of calcium channel blocking pharmaceutical medications.
This relaxes the arteries and thus increases the blood flow throughout the cardiovascular system, relieving the burden that high blood pressure can place upon the heart. This relaxation of the arteries also inhibits spasms which can block coronary arteries, and cause heart attacks.
Estradiol also seems to act as a protective factor in the adult brain against neuro-degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s.
The human body is able to manufacture estradiol from estrone and vice-versa.
ESTRIOL: The safest “estrogen”.
Estriol is the estrogen that is the most beneficial to the vagina, cervix and vulva. Some of the most common symptoms of “estrogen” deficiency are persistant vaginal dryness and thinning of the vaginal mucous membrane.
Progesterone actually stimulates the production of new bone while estriol inhibits further loss.
ESTRONE: In pre-menopausal women, estrone is produced primarily by the ovaries and the cortex of the adrenal glands. In men, children (before puberty) and in post-menopausal women, estrone is derived from androstenedione
Estrone is essential for the growth and normal maintenance of the lining of the uterus (womb). During pregnancy, large amounts of estrone are synthesized by the placenta from DHEA-S (which comes from the adrenal glands of the mother and the fetus).
Estrone has been used to treat threatened miscarriage, amenorrhea, breast cancer, hypogenitalism, menopause syndrome, osteoporosis, post partum breast engorgement, vaginitis and vaginal thinning. It has also been used in skin creams.
BILE ACID: Oil and water don’t mix, however bile acid enable oil and water to exactly that.
Bile acids are manufactured in the liver then stored in the gall bladder. So just think for a moment, they are made, then stored. When we eat a meal high in fat the gall bladder squirts bile into the the small intestine, to help our body absorb the ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS, STEROLS (CHOLE-STEROL) FAT SOLUBLE VITAMINS in that meal.
The bile acids are then reabsorbed on purpose and returned to the liver.
BETA-SITOSTEROL: Found in MANY plants, as well as olive oil and saw palmetto berries, and more.
There are numerous nutritional supplements available in the marketplace that contain beta-sitosterol. Many basic foods contain beta-sitosterol.
Eating more plant based beta-sitosterol satisfies your body’s need for a CHOLESTEROL-like substance.
cholesterol” levels can be lowered by something as simple as the consumption of foods that contain beta-sitosterol. But again you do NOT want lowered levels of cholesterol, high “cholesterol” test results respond quite well to the ADDITION of plant based sterols into the diet.
CHOLESTEROL is the building block which every cell in your body uses to manufacture numerous hormones that are absolutely necessary for life.
“Cholesterol lowering , without correcting underlying vitamin deficiency should be considered medical malpractice!”
Dr. Matthias Rath, M.D.
All of these compounds are related and come from the same family, and they ALL COME FROM CHOLESTEROL. WE NEED these hormones to live.
So, what is the BIG take away from all of this?
Lipitor and MANY MANY other statin drugs are known to cause COPIUS side effects, including abdominal pain, black stools, constipation, diarrhea, difficulty swallowing, fatigue, fever, headache, indigestion, vomiting, weight gain, weight loss, breast enlargement, decreased sex drive, unstable emotions and urinary problems, fluid retention, sweating, urinary problems, allergic reaction, changes in taste sensation,
Gas, indigestion, inflammation of sinus and nasal passages, itching, purple or red spots on the skin, rash, respiratory problems, depression, hearing difficulties, amnesia
Accidental injury, acne, back pain, distorted facial muscles, hair loss, increased muscle movement, joint pain, lack of coordination, leg cramps, muscle aching or weakness, dry eyes.
The ones in BOLD are those that are very common and that I have personally heard directly from others that they experience.
That’s a small list, but I image if you see this list, doesn’t this all sound familiarly like what they “they“ have said is CORONA VIRUS? Do you think AT ALL, that you and everyone have been BAMBOOZLED, and LIED TO?
Do you think it’s possible that for many years there has been a system put in place to cause everyone to believe these lies and began taking PHARMACEUTICAL, PSUEDO SCIENCE CHEMICALS?
The information you see here can NOT be absorbed by just reading once, TAKE YOUR TIME WITH THIS and comprehend it.
It ties into more topics that you will find right here on the…
eXercise Article®️
If you have any direct questions or comments, feel free to email me direct at contact@exerciseassociation.com
Sleep Well, Eat Well, Train Well,
Yours in good health