There’s so many layers to uncover, yet we are confident that if you take the time to read this, there is no doubt you will fully comprehend these layers, and the levels of the corporate structure.

Someone may wonder and ask, “why is the letter “X” and the letter “A” bigger?” Well let’s naturally start from what is known as the face of the brand, i.e., the logo.
The name of the parent brand is
eXercise Association®️
The logo is two letters, X and A. The manner in which this was created is a story in itself. But here’s the brief history. The brand was conceptualized on commonalities, meaning it was recognized that something in the athletic world was seriously missing and not adding up. Let’s begin to elevate your mind while we dismantle this structure down to it’s frame in order to edify you a bit.
Athletes of all kinds all over the world play a sport and compete against teams of others WITHIN THE SAME sport. Yet who controls that particular sport? We found the answer to that question. Then we wondered who was the most important “player?” Was it really one athlete over another? Or is it the athletes in totality over those who control any particular sport. The answer was certainly the ATHLETES.
If the ATHLETE as a whole is most important, why aren’t the athletes themselves controlling the game? Who’s getting the short end of the stick? The answer again was the athlete.
Within this one realization the whole thing became evident, there was something completely unique, yet existed since even before modern mankind; that athletes have in common. When we discovered it, TRUE clarity struck and the entire controlled world of athletics missed it COMPLETELY. The residual affect was athletes everywhere were segregated into one category called “PLAYERS”. Little did we know, this was a control tactic of those who own the sport to run the show for ever, but it separated a whole civilization (if you will) of other athletes.
That which was previously segregated is no longer. Interesting choice of words, is it not? That being segregated, considering what state everyone has been in. So there’s no accident that we are the antithesis of distancing.
However we have not defied (Per se) the distancing protocol, but instead have found the loophole of physical proximity.
What we are doing is bringing like minds and lifestyles together, in turn creating the worlds largest “gathering” even while many have been segregated around the world all in the name of health.

The truth cements the association. Exercise association, is the fusion of all things that have ever, and will ever embody an athlete. In addition to all athletes association with one another, what has always been segregated is no longer. We‘re now going to help you along with this understanding by using chemistry as an analogy.

If you don’t know chemistry don’t worry, this will give you a basic grasp of it as we drive this point home. We have taken five industries…lets call these industries elements.

We studied five elements individually down to its atomic level, that which makes the element what it is. We learned that there’s only the difference in protons and neutrons that differentiates one element from another. In comparison, the divisions only have small differences as well. But they all belong to the same class.
Instead of keeping these atoms separate we conducted experiments with fusion, i.e., combining different divisions with the other, to see what kind of ”element” would manifest. After several experiments and discoveries we learned that with the right combination of certain essential likenesses between them, it formed a completely new element never known, yet already had the composition to exist naturally. Keeping up so far?
In other words the elements (which are five commercial industries) were simply combined because they all have commonalities. They were always kept separate. Yet combined, these industries created a much more valuable single (brand) element.
Five divisions recognized individually, but united creates the identity of something new. We created a resource facility to be the renaissance of an industry. Not the athletic industry but the athlete industry. Lets’ continue with a bonus way to envision this.
XA brand is the likeness of a physical form with five primary parts, connected it becomes a body. Of course the body has many systems and parts all with their function, yet be that as it may (again) when they are joined; seamlessly operates as a collective at its highest potential due to a combined effort or, ASSOCIATION.
Here’s another way to look at it. Mankind has two legs, two arms, and one head in total which makes five. Each one of those five divisions has its functions. Where’s the body? It becomes a body when you fuse those parts to function together.

Furthermore the letter” X” has two arms, and two legs that make up the letter. Adding in the letter “A” it becomes the head of the body of the logo and brand which defines each divisions function within the body. Brilliant? Yes, we know. Elaborate? Probably, but this is what makes XA highly different from ANY other “so called” athletic brand that has ever existed.
We established one brand with five divisions that naturally and truly should have never been separate, due to the fact that all athletes naturally associate with these individualized commonalities.
This is also true for athletes; separately we function, but what if we recognized something unique about all of us that has always been connected? An association that was never conceptualized.
Now we introduce the divisions, i.e., the individual body parts.
“X” has many meanings, but in this case means to be set apart from something, everything, and everyone else or from the ordinary as in exceedingly, extreme, excellence, and not limited to of course exercise.
Since this is all pertaining to athletes, the primary pillar and leg of this body is self-titled below, THIS IS AN INTEGRAL COMPONENT TO KNOW, this division holds the secret (still yet to be disclosed) and the blood which encompasses the brand, naturally beginning with…

On the surface it’s simple right? Any level of physical activity done with the physical body for the sake of strengthening, conditioning, endurance, stamina, and performance. True, but not complete until your realize exercise is not only physical, but mental, and even spiritual. Being an athlete was formerly related to just being a player in a sport, THAT’S NO MORE, if you partake in exercise on any level, due to playing a sport, or for the sake of being healthy YOU ARE AN ATHLETE, which means you also exercise in the discipline of knowledge and education for how your body functions. By understanding nutrition, how your body moves and operates, on through to how YOU think, act, and operate daily, plays a role, all which manifests over INTO a physical result. THIS WILL BE ELABORATED ON BELOW. All areas play a part in over all health. So remember exercise is not limited to physical exertion, yet remains arguably a high majestic ranking position in royal kingdom of elites. Find an athlete anywhere and you also find some form of exercise whether it’s spiritual, mental, or physical; that’s the first association. Next…

In a kingdom, royalty is easily distinguished from the non royalty by the apparel. The jewels, the colors, the craftsmanship, the tailoring. Athletes are no different. You recognize an athlete at any level by what they wear. All athletes require apparel it’s a prerequisite of their function. Yet at XA the line between apparel and body becomes blurred. What does that mean? Here, we know that your first apparel is your body & skin. It has a structured design pattern, the custom tailoring began above with mental, nutritional, AND physical exercise. You can almost always tell an athlete from the rest just by the tailoring of their shape or physical apparel, or lifestyle spiritually and again nutritionally; differentiating an athlete from the rest. The jewels of muscularity, the definition and striations showing custom craftsmanship, tailor fitted skin all over the body. So the garment you wear which we affectionately call apparel, is actually your second skin. Naturally this category then becomes the second association. Next is…

Where is there an all inclusive, informative platform with the athlete in mind? Furthermore distinguishing the athlete as a royal class? Not for vain purposes yet instead, recognizing and establishing the standard for all it takes to live athlete minded, being the living example of that measuring stick? The answer to that question; you’re reading it real time right now.
The official “eXercise Article”
One social information source in three versions.
BLOG via
BROADCAST tap this link
NEWSLETTER via Email (don’t forget to sign up)
This is your ALL ACCESS pass into our social resource facility for this brand you now know as XA in its entirety.
The nature and prowess of athletes every where seems to always be news worthy. Their abilities, their physiques, their lifestyle, how they live, who they are, and drawing from apparel of course what they wear. All valid, however that’s not all inclusive, what about what’s important to the athletes themselves? All athletes like to be well informed on MANY things such as; what other athletes are doing, latest trends or shifts in sports, tips, insights on other athletes ways of training, eating, nutrition, even various lifestyle hacks of all these, and so much more. Most importantly their, they, and YOU are now synonymous.
Additionally what we add to this are forth coming features, events, announcements, and not least; the defining slogans of each division, because as you will soon discover this brand could not contain just one.
Everything you want to learn about yourself and other athletes, is no different than what other athletes want to know about themselves, or about others like you in their likeness to enhance their lifestyle.
If you’re a musician or composer, you study and read music. But you’re an athlete, therefore you read the eXercise Article, the third association. On to..

There’s no arguing, that in a kingdom there is a king. In the royal family of athletes we must be shown our ways, that means being prepped, coached, instructed, tutored, trained, prepared, well taught, enlightened, and not least, well informed. Here, you’re a specialized student of knowledge in mental fitness.
“To be teachable and taught, lends to limitless growth. Being educated with skills TO teach, is an exercise of selflessness.” – Bryce Brandon/founder and chief exercise officer
As you now see exercise is not limited to physicality. The crown of your head is within, as you are adorned with an invaluable jewel. A regal degree authenticating your physical prowess, is only over matched by your mental strength to empower. The jewel your descendants will inherit, i.e., knowledge. This begins with the king. The king is education. Every royal family has an association with a king. As exercise is the foundation, education is the pinnacle. The fourth association.

The last being mentioned is not the least in importance. The heir to the thrown is the prince and the princess, The Athlete. The most visible, the adored, the most important under the king. The integral, defining identity of the royal class. The athlete has an association with every level of the kingdom. As every level of the kingdom has an association with the athlete. The athlete will always be the eternal succession of the royal family towards king and queen ship. The lifeblood bearing the original royal gene. The first athlete, known here as the category creator. This story will be told here, and ONLY exists here. Before this athlete, there was no athlete. But for now, just know the athlete is a division in itself and is The fifth association.
Therefore you have, exercise, apparel, information, education, for the athlete.

Ingeniously constructed as one brand collectively known as XA, yet each individually wrapped within its own unique XA brand name; whereby one division is inseparable from the other due to the all-inclusive athlete targeted commonalities hence the eXercise Association.
This does not conclude the comprehensiveness of the brand, yet it does lay the fundamental comprehension of it.
From here it only gets better! We have much more to share as the products begin to roll out.
Each division is only compartmentalized by it’s color, and it’s unique slogans(s)
With that being said,
Welcome! To THE Athlete lifestyle brand™
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If you have any direct questions or comments, feel free to email me direct at
Yours in Good health
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